Dumbledore's Army Role-Play Wiki
Dumbledore's Army Role-Play Wiki
Adara Sutton
August 12th
Blood Status
This character is RPed by Liss

Eye Color
Hair Color
Clothing Style
Aisha Dee

Native Language
Earliest Memory
Making pies
Type of Childhood

Adara Sutton was never really held to high expectations. One might assume that's why she shot so low in life. Adara never had high expectations for her future. Either she felt nobody believed in her, when in reality, she never really believed in herself.

Adara was born to a middle class family with five kids. She was the middle child between an array of brothers and sisters - she was never a priority in her two working parent's lives. Her mother, a witch by trade and by blood, played tricks on people's minds. Most of the time, not even with real magic. But of course, playing for tricks never payed the bills, so her father, a no-maj, took a job with lots of numbers. An accountant.

Adara always wanted her parental attention, but never really got as she wished. She would do all sorts of things. She would (attempt to) bake pies, leaving a huge mess her mother would discipline her for by sticking her with three weeks on dishes duty. When she was eight years old, just this once, she threw a tantrum. Adara would do as she was told eventually, but it seemed to go much faster than usual! Maybe some invisible hands were helping her. That's when she saw floating dishes, as if an invisible entity was holding it up. She yelled for her mother, only to have it fall and break before she saw.

Adara tried for the next two years to attempt to make something like that happen. It was a miracle! A dream! Maybe it was just that.... she would think that until she woke up with a letter on her forehead. All of her siblings circled around to see what it was, and when she opened it up.... she didn't believe any word of it. Not until her elder siblings spoke up, speaking about the magically amazing school for witchcraft and wizardry.... Adara got up to show her mother, who congratulated her and sent her sister, Sienna, to go with her to a place called Diagon Alley to gather supplies she'd need. Adara truly never believed it was real until finally, the day arrived where she would enter the school for the first time. As soon as it happened, Adara felt all her dreams come true.... but to be fair, she didn't aim high. Adara soon found a love for writing. She always carried a notebook filled with half-thought ideas and unfinished stories.

Adara passed her exams. To say the least. Her grades were not the best, but they were enough. That's all she could hope for. Unfortunately, graduated, they were not enough for the hiring people. Doors slammed in her face, left and right. One day, she just simply got lucky. She had acquired a low job in the department of magical transportation.... a really low job. Not to mention, her boss was a jerk! Not only did he come on to her, but he was rude, and treated her like a child! One day, Adara had enough, and made quite a scene.... one that ended with her punching her boss in the face. Most would also quit, but good lord, in the name of all that is holy.... Adara needed this job! So she struck a deal. The worst job possible, but she at least kept her job, and the pay.

That job was the illustrious duty of.... knight bus driver. You know that magic bus that you call by sticking your wand out into the street? Yeah, that. But hey! At least she got the day shift. Least to say... Adara is very unhappy with her position, and likes drinking. Good combination.

personality and traits
Best Qualities
Determined, Creative, Calm
Worst Qualities
Eccentric, Impulsive
Most Influenced By
Her mother
Adara Sutton fancies herself a sort of problem solver. Only problem is, her solutions never pan out. Literally ever. When she wants her mother to be happy after a hard day at work, she makes a pie. Subsequently, she makes a huge mess. It really only gets her in more trouble. She doesn't let this deter her when she has an idea to fix something.... even if its a terrible idea. She is nothing if not creative. Adara's actually a bit fearful of trying new things. She never strays far from her comfort zone, in an attempt to prevent herself from disappointing herself and her family further. It cripples her as an aspiring author, and because of this she never finishes her ideas. Ever. She's afraid of failure, and even more afraid of confrontation. Confrontation of other people, of her own insecurities, people confronting her... etc.

talk bubble


skills and magical abilities




Sexual and Romantic Orientation
Relationship Status
First Love
Languages Spoken
Favorite Drink
Favorite Sweet
Amortentia Scents
Favorite Color


credit to red for coding, rabbit for the backdrop template, and belle for character questions