The Mikazuki family is an olden, traditional Japanese family hailing from Sendai who are reportedly descended from a Japanese princess. They held major influence over most of Sendai for a long while before the authority was shifted over to the Emperor. Though it was difficult for them, they eventually let go of their authoritative roots but continued to cultivate their noble culture within the clan.
In addition to being a noble family, the Mikazukis are also well known for their unbelievable beauty and gift of the arts. Whether it be traditional, digital, performing, etc. a Mikazuki would surely be gifted in one form or another. The youngest of the latest generation of Mikazukis, the Lady Chikane Mikazuki, happened to display an amazing connection with the performing arts.
Chikane Mikazuki is the youngest daughter of Andou and Sayaka Mikazuki and the imouto of Yuka and Ichiru. Like all female members of the Mikazuki family, Chikane has been raised to fit the image of a yamato nadeshiko, to live and breathe elegance and nobility. She was taught to sing and dance traditionally. Her posture, mannerisms, and way of speaking was always monitored. Though her childhood seemed tight and strict to outsiders, their family is quite tight-knit and they aren't as uptight as they let others believe.
Her parents had recognized her talent for the performing arts at the mere age of five and, after asking her if she wants to, lets her join the showbiz world. Chikane started out with small, minor roles, such as a background character or a cameo. She also started doing commercials and a few minor voice acting roles. Her modelling career started when she was 10, when an agent noticed her when she was at a movie premiere. Her first major role was when she was eleven where she played the daughter of a main character.
At least, that's what the public knows. To Chikane's family, something more... curious happened when she turned 6. The blooming child actress was about to go to a rehearsal when she lost her script somewhere within the west wing of their house. In a fit of panic, she inadvertently summoned the script from where it sat. This was only the first of many unexplainable incidents, most of them notably happening whenever Chikane is experiencing a rather strong emotion.
The Mikazukis took this in stride and helped Chikane through her mysterious outbursts. When she asked her mother why they remained unperturbed by her new strangeness, Sayaka answered that they had witnessed these kind of things before but they never had a chance to learn its name or its origins. The time the family will take serious action is when Chikane's abilities become dangerous to her and those around her. Hearing that, Chikane did her best to reign in her emotions and control them so as to prevent any kind of accidents.
Their questions about Chikane's abilities were answered by the arrival of a letter from a school called Mahoutokoro not a year later after the appearance of her abilities. Chikane decided to ask her parents to ask the visiting witch for the first year curriculum and required textbooks so she can study in advance, reasoning that her own career would make her lag behind should she follow the pace of the regular students.
It was revealed that another child actor had the same predicament not five years ago so Chikane had no problems receiving the required textbooks three years later.
In a span of three years, Chikane had risen in the showbusiness and by the time she arrived at Mahoutokoro, several muggleborn students already know her name. Because of this, she can't discern whether people are approaching her because they genuinely want to get to know her or just want to know and befriend the child star. Nevertheless, she was taught to take things with grace and poise so she held her head up high and befriended literally everyone.
During her years at Mahoutokoro, Chikane was subject to vicious rumours more often than not. While she did despair about it, it also helped her segregate the antagonistic and the friendly, but she remained on friendly terms with everyone and never changed her usual friendly behaviour towards them. After all, no matter how much she'll report them, their jabs will never die down.
The only schoolmates she'd ever considered her truest friends were those who now make up the Japanese National Quidditch Team. Though she knows she'll never fit in their tight-knit dynamic, she's content with being the one who reigns them in when their shit becomes too over the place. Chikane speaks fondly of them both publicly and privately, constantly speaking of them in every interview. She's taken up the role of being their local mom friend and even went so far as to follow them to Britain.