Dumbledore's Army Role-Play Wiki
Dumbledore's Army Role-Play Wiki


The Entrance Hall (also known as the Front Hall) is located on the ground floor of Hogwarts School of Witchraft and Wizardry. Two big doors toward the right lead into the Great Hall. The Hufflepuff Common Room, Kitchens, Dungeons, and the Grand Staircase can be accessed through the Entrance Hall. There is also an annex off the hall, where the professor who helps in sorting speaks to first years before the Sorting ceremony at the beginning of each school year. This is a very important factor in the beauty of Hogwarts.

Entrance Hall
ground floor


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Cheol and Kyran

Older Cheol 5
Cheol-Min Seung - 🧹 Hogwarts Caretaker 🧹

-"Take everyday one step at a time. As long as you're moving."
Message Me – 23:22, December 6, 2018 (UTC)

Cheol was sitting on the steps, minding his own business as he was doing his homework. He hadn't really interacted with Kyran lately, especially less so after Christmas break. He wondered if they weren't friends anymore, and Cheol was struggling with deciding to talk to him or not.

Kyran Camilleri - Ravenclaw 6th Year 👓 Blind

-Blind Boys Don't Lie
Message Me – 14:00, December 8, 2018 (UTC)

He was upset and angry that Cheol had actually taken the time to write this letter in braille, it was a confession. A confession that angered him to no end due to the way the male had been treating him. It wasn't fair honestly and maybe that's why he balled it up and threw it not knowing where it would go.

Older Cheol 5
Cheol-Min Seung - 🧹 Hogwarts Caretaker 🧹

-"Take everyday one step at a time. As long as you're moving."
Message Me – 18:55, December 8, 2018 (UTC)

Cheol got hit in the head by someone’s garbage, “Hey! Watch where you throw your junk,” he said to the person before leaning down and picking it up, only when he saw it he recognized the paper. He quickly unfolded it to see his confession letter that he wrote. He then quickly got up and turned around, seeing Kyran and pausing for a moment. “K-Kyran-“ he manages to blurt his name out.

Kyran Camilleri - Ravenclaw 6th Year 👓 Blind

-Blind Boys Don't Lie
Message Me – 15:41, December 10, 2018 (UTC)

Hearing a familiar voice had him stopping in his tracks only to do a double take. "Cheol..?" Fuck had he accidentally hit the one person he was trying to avoid? What kind of cosmic bs is this? He wanted to walk off but he decided not to.