Dumbledore's Army Role-Play Wiki
Dumbledore's Army Role-Play Wiki

Augustus Wesley Gabriel



The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible.

slytherin alumni / twenty / writer / bartender / proud af werewolf made by hannah.






August Tenth








London, England


Alive; Single


Bisexual, Biromantic


London, England




Currently, The Precinct


Wizard, Werewolf

Family Blood


Wand Core

Phoenix Feather

Wand Wood

Cyprus Wood

Wand Arm



Small Enclosed Places






The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible.

slytherin alumni / twenty / writer / bartender / proud af werewolf made by hannah.


Nick Robinson

Eye Color


Hair Color




Distinguishing Marks

Eh, a few scars but nothing too big



Mental State

Really, really happy tbh




The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible.

slytherin alumni / twenty / writer / bartender / proud af werewolf made by hannah.

Favorite Color


Favorite Music Genre

Favorite Food

Favorite Animal

Favorite Book

Favorite Drink

Favorite Song

Favorite Movie

Favorite Sweets








Madeline Gabriel


David Gabriel

Full Siblings

Morgan Gabriel (deceased)

Half Siblings

Julija Bilandžić


N / A




The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible.

slytherin alumni / twenty / writer / bartender / proud af werewolf made by hannah.

Augustus is, in general, a very charismatic person. He's usually always welcome to a conversation and willing to make friends wherever he might meet someone. He, as well, has a level of charm to him and likable to many. His smile, good sense of humour, and just his overall kindess towards others have lightened people's moods in the past, lightening his in the process. Throughout his entire life, and definitely fueled even more through his time in America, Gus has believed everyone should be treated fairly, no matter if they're a muggle-born, pure-blood, vampire, or witch. He knows what is like to be ashamed of oneself because you're taught to be ashamed of who you are, and he'd never push that upon anyone else. Because, if he had learned anything in his two years of living away from Britain, it's to not give any damns about anyone's judgement but his own. Just because his mother or father hated the fact he was werewolf, he shouldn't dare hate being a werewolf, too. His confidence and self esteem is a lot higher than it once was during his years in Hogwarts, and he won't let anyone tear it down now that it's there.

Augustus Gabriel is a writer (and a lot more open about being one, too). The pages of his journal and the pen beside it have been with him when people have not. Those were the things that helped him cope when he was at his worst. And, sometimes someone may have to write down something when telling their thoughts do no good. So, when Gus's head filled with thoughts, he'd write them down instead of sharing. It was nice. The hobby stuck. As well as being a writer, Gus is observant. His eyes like to wander and watch what is happening around him, maybe in hopes for inspiration for a few extra pages in his journal. He, as well, is fairly good in reading emotions. When a person is trying to not look sad or frustrated, he tends to notice more often than the average person can. Though, partially, he knows the look well by now on pretending to look happy when you aren't... luckily, though, that fake expression hasn't been used in quite some time.





The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible.

slytherin alumni / twenty / writer / bartender / proud af werewolf made by hannah.

David Gabriel and Madeline Roberts were the types of students people wanted to be. Popular, intelligent, and being known as the longest-lasting and cutest couple Hogwarts had to offer. They were likable, too. Neither of them could even think of one enemy they may have, because no one disliked them. The Gryffindor and Hufflepuff weren't perfect either, of course, as no one is. David Gabriel, even if not having any hatred or sorts towards wizards by their blood status, was raised to be fearful and cautious from half-breeds, werewolves, or any other 'non-human' sort of species. Despite Madeline coming from a humble family with a muggle-born father and muggle mother who believed everyone should be treated equally, her values would change once starting to date the Gabriel. Yet, people were good at ignoring the negatives about them, since they didn't flaunt how much they hated half-breeds most of the time. No one would even guess how much of a wreck they'd be in over a decades time.

Gabriel and Roberts would elope almost right after graduating Hogwarts and moved into a small apartment together. They carried on to live their lives, both getting respectable jobs. David traveled a lot through work, but certainly refused to leave Madeline's side once they were back together. By the time Madeline was twenty-three, she would cheerfully share the news that she was pregnant and the two would become parents to a little girl named Morgan Gabriel. Morgan was, well, a prodigy. The perfect and stereotypical child a parent may dream of. She was brilliant, and many people believed she'd most likely blossom to be even more intelligent than her parents. She had shown signs of magic at the age of five, starting Hogwarts at eleven. The family was perceived as perfect. They felt like a perfect family. Though, despite it all, life has always believed perfect was boring. Madeline and David would come to realize this the summer after Morgan's first year at Hogwarts. The mother and daughter duo had gone out to Diagon Alley in search of supplies only for the worst possible situation to occur; a terrorist attack. Madeline survived. Everyone would tell her how thankful she should be to be living after that dark day, as more people seemed to not leave that day alive than not. Madeline wasn't thankful. For the rest of her life she'd wish she had died in that attack. For her life to leave every part of her body in spare of her daughter's.

The Gabriels fell into a deep hole of depression which was, well, understandable. Every sense of happiness drained from their bodies, replaced with a cold and dark sadness that never seemed to leave. For weeks, the only thing they seemed to consume was the alcohol in their cabinets. They'd eat finally after a while, but the alcoholic-nature they grew didn't leave. David found himself travelling more than just for business, disguising it as work duties when it really wasn't. Truly, he'd go off to drink until the image of his daughter and wife who looked just like her were forgotten and he found himself in bed with another woman by morning. This would cause problems in the distant future, but her didn't bother stopping. Not even when finding out Madeline had become pregnant once more with a baby boy. Augustus Gabriel.

Augustus or 'Gus' was doomed from the beginning. Maybe if Morgan wasn't so perfect, his parents wouldn't have such high hopes he'd be the same. They wouldn't be angry that his first sign of magic didn't come at the young age of five like his sister. Or six. Or seven. They wouldn't be dissapointed that he wasn't praised for such brilliance Morgan had. Maybe they'd be able to be not as fearful towards him when being attacked and turned into a werewolf at the age of seven. The Gabriel children just seemed to get the unluckiness their parents never had.

Gus would finally have his first sign of magic when he was nine which, honestly, is better than it could of been. At least he wasn't a werewolf and squib, as his parents would most likely just leave him in the street if so. They didn't. Gus sometimes wish they did. Instead, he was locked in his room constantly, whether it was because he made them mad or they were mad in general. His love for writing grew through this often method they used on the Gabriel, as that was one of the few things he was able to do, but he still found himself bored for hours at a time. Sitting on the bed one day in frustration, his anger would magically unlock and open the door and he found himself free. The sign of magic filled the little boy with glee, though that feeling didn't share the same with both of his drunk parents would yelled at him. By the time he started Hogwarts - which took much, much persuasion and an agreement as long as he supplied on Wolfsbane Potions that helped hide his identity as a werewolf to most people par the headmaster and some teachers - his unlocking and locking trick could almost be done by command. Though, he wouldn't need to do it as much through school as there was a spell for that.

Augustus's - who was sorted into Slytherin despite wanting one of his parent's houses - years through school were very chill. Amazing, as well. His best memories would be from the school. The boy found himself quite the charismatic student despite not having been out and talking to people for much of his childhood. Though, there were still his days where liked to have some alone time and in which he made those. He stayed away from close friendships and only gained a small handful, Fredrick Spencer being one of them. Gus had met the Ravenclaw - a fifth year then - in his seventh year, in which the two would grow close and realize they had feelings for each other more than just friendship, and Gus would slowly come to realization that he was bisexual. The two would start dating near the end of Gus's final year at Hogwarts and onward when the Slytherin graduated. He gladly moved out of his family home into an apartment and became a bartender at a shady bar in Hogsmeade. He was happy. Everything would go up from here.

He thought wrong.

Alistair Fitzgerald came first, rising as minister with his shit policies, ideas for a jail for any half-breeds or werewolves or vampires, and tacky badges. Not only was the minister wanting to ruin any hopes of spending the next years peacefully, he did it all before Gus was even known to be a werewolf to most people. And, although not nearly as bad, Julija would come second. Aka his half-sister. Aka his dad was a terrible cheat and he hadn't known until this girl just a bit younger than him told him so. He wasn't going to leave. He wanted to be brave and fight through it all, as well as get to know this new family member. He just... well, he couldn't. His whole life turned upside down in a blink of an eye and he needed to get away. At least for a moment. He left for America, his stomach sick with the feeling of cowardness the entire way there. Quitting his job and selling his apartment was easy. Breaking up with Freddie and saying goodbye to Julija hurt. A pain he'd feel for quite a while in America.

Two years passed. His start of this new country would be making friends with Stacy. Not only an Ilvermorny Alumni witch, she ran a pub and was as well a werewolf that was apart of a pack. Not only was able to Gus get a job that he knew how to work very well, she also had him join the werewolf pack where he'd finally learn, after all this time, he shouldn't be ashamed of being one. He shouldn't be ashamed of being himself. All while this was happening, he kept in touch with Julija. Wrote her letters and learned more about her. Not so much with Freddie. He tried writing letters a few times but always threw them away in the end. Gus was moving on and he assumed the Spencer was, too. Augustus and Stacy would date for a bit, but it didn't last long. They saw each other more as friends than anything else. America brought Augustus happiness, in which Britain had drained most of it out.

So, why did he come back?

Hearing news of the precinct, the protests, the serial killer events, and just anything that had to do with the minister that has been in charge for over two years now hurt Augustus. Were the people he was close with in Hogwarts doing fine? Were the half-breeds he had met in his brief time living in the precinct okay? As okay as they can get with such harsh circumstances? The pack and the people in it understood when Augustus had left, especially Stacy, despite not having a clue why he'd do it. He didn't know why either, but didn't even stop and think until he was standing on British soil once more. Walking into the precinct that made his blood boil everytime his eyes laid on it. When half-breeds and werewolves were asking why the hell he had come back when he had escaped so easily. There was no going back at that point. He didn't regret either, even with thinking a bit. No, he's ready to fight back a bit now.





The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible.

slytherin alumni / twenty / writer / bartender / proud af werewolf made by hannah.

