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Forum: Index > Sorting > Chantelle Fawley
ACSEvieForSophieSigI knew it when I met him,I loved him when I left him ~Sophie

The Sorting Quiz

A. Select the option that best fits your character. (Remember, this part is a requirement for every character you make! Please italicize the answer.)

1. What are you looking forward to learning at Hogwarts the most?

A. Transfiguration
B. Magical Creatures
C. Hexes & Jinxes
D. The castle's secret areas

2. Pick one:

B. Stars
A. Moon

3. If flowers adapted their scent to attract the unwary, what would it smell of in order to lure you in?

A. Parchment
B. Freshly baked bread
C. A crackling log fire
D. The Sea

4. Pick one:

A. Dawn
B. Dusk

5. Four boxes are placed before you. Which one do you open?

A. The ornate one, promising secret knowledge and unbearable temptation
B. The small, tortoiseshell box, embellished in gold, with a small, squeaking creature
C. The small, pewter box that reads "I only open for the worthy"
D. The gleaming black box marked with Merlin's rune

6. Pick one:

A. White
B. Black

7. What road tempts you the most?

A. The cobbled street lined with ancient buildings
B. The wide, sunny, grassy lane
C. The twisting, leaf-strewn path through woods
D. The narrow, dark, lantern-lit alley

8. Pick one:

A. Forest
B. River

9. What scares you most?

A. Speaking in such a silly voice, people will laugh at you and mock you
B. Waking up and realizing your family & friends don't know you
C. An eye at the keyhole of the dark, windowless room where you're locked
D. Standing on top of something high, without anything to stop you from falling

10. It's late, you're walking alone, and hear a peculiar cry you believe has a magical source. What do you do?

A. Wait for developments, while mentally reviewing the most appropriate spells
B. Draw your wand & stand your ground
C. Draw your wand & search for the source
D. Proceed with caution, keep a hand on the concealed wand, and keep an eye out

The Character's Background

1) Give a description of your character's personality. It must be at least two paragraphs long, seven sentences each.

Chantelle is quite naturally talented. After all, she is the most talented in the family. She is not like her sisters, but that is a given. At the same time though, she loves being her own person and doesn't shy away from talking about her talents. There's no such thing as wasted potential when Chantelle is concerned; it's all or nothing when she gets involved because there are two sides to every coin - try or don't. More often than not, it's always on the try side; Chantelle lives with the mentality that those who don't try, don't get far. She doesn't exclude herself from this either.

As she got older though, she picked up this sort of commanding expression. Perhaps it had something to do with her dream of being a producer at LBC becoming real. Or maybe that she merely wanted to be a strong and independent woman. Though that former bit is a lie; Chantelle is anything but strong. She's a real softie, and probably would not be opposed to being squished like a teddy bear - assuming that it is someone that she loves in question. A good hug though, never hurt anyone, Chantelle included. Oh, if only the world's problems could be solved with a little love and a couple dozen hugs; that's probably just wishful thinking on Chantelle's part. Speaking of which, she does a lot of wishful thinking. Maybe too much for her own good.

2) Write about the history of your character. How did they grow up? Is there an incident that made them the way they are? It must be at least three paragraphs long, seven sentences each.

Perhaps the Fawley Family had it well off. Or rather, really well off.

Wentworth Fawley III and Wilhelmina Crouch had been a couple set up with an ambition of greatness, yet they never were ones to agree to playing by the rulebook. In fact, they knew what they were doing, which was quite definitely not what their families thought they were doing. It all started with an off-putting purchase of a warehouse. Naturally, to anyone with enough sense, it seemed normal except for the fact that it is a warehouse. But the warehouse served a greater purpose; it'd come to be the reason of existence for a nightclub. A nightclub in Hogsmeade of all places. But one can hardly say that Hogsmeade did not need such a thing; in fact, it more than needed it. It brought much-needed life outside of the summer breaks of students. At one point though, the couple found themselves with something else; children. It started with Gianna. Then came Renly as he prefers calling himself. After him though... came Chantelle. And this is now her story.

Chantelle Aspasia Fawley was the couple's third child and only their second daughter. Gianna might have been the brilliant one, and Renly the one who is good-looking, but Chantelle had the talent. She most definitely had the talent. Admittedly, it did not come with the birth, but it'll come to be as the years pass. It all started early in her childhood; one which was normal yet not for a child of a Sacred 28 family. Far from the spotlight, Chantelle found a sort of escape of normal life in modeling dough and clay. She developed a knack for sculpting and art in general, but it came to be not more than a hobby, as during her time in a muggle primary, she found beauty in dance as well. Though, her magical sign would come to see her set a sight in a different direction; she made her own clay figures dance. Something about it was beautiful; perhaps it was because she did it. Either way, it sparked an interest in her that she'll never let rest.

Chantelle would come to start Hogwarts only two years after her older brother Renly, getting sorted into (tbd). She found herself at ease in Hogwarts; perhaps a bit too much. Academically, yes, she was performing as need be, but it was not out of any real desire to do a lot of learning. She never did put down her talent with art and dance, and while it did not impair in any way, shape or form, it did still make her want to aspire for something to do outside of school. And her hopes would be answered when a couple months following her 16th birthday, she received perhaps the best news of her life. She acquired a position in the Lumos Broadcasting Company as a Producer-in-Training, with emphasis on the in-training bit. She was not exactly old enough to pick up a full producer role, but yet still, she was grateful to even land the position.

Now in her seventh year, Chantelle has high expectations for her ever-so-talented self, and perhaps high hopes to do well, but she's got a long road ahead...

3) Write about your character's appearance. What do they look like? Are you planning on using a certain model for your character? If you already have a picture in mind, you can put it here!

Her model is Katie Stevens.

4) Is your character a Pure-Blood, Half-Blood or Muggle-Born? Do you have any notable magical relations? (Remember, you cannot be related to important characters from the Harry Potter Universe!)

Pure-Blood and part of the Sacred 28 family of Fawley. Younger sister to Renly Fawley.

5) Does your character have any special abilities? Is he or she of a different magical race, such as Veela, Vampire, Werewolf or the like? Part or half of a magical race counts! (Remember, you cannot have a character with special abilities/of a different magical race as one of your first two characters!)

Nothing special.

6) What year is your character in?


7) The Sorting Hat has been known to take house preference into consideration. If your character could select one house they believe they are best suited for, what would it be and why?

Doesn't really matter tbqh.

OOC Questions

B. Whilst the first two questions will not affect the character's house (and are mandatory), the others are designed specifically to help users come up with their character's ideal job (and are optional).

1) Is this your first character?

A. This is my first character.
B. No, this is not my first character.

2) If your answer to the previous question is B, how many characters do you have? How many of them are "exotic"?

9 and 2 exotic.

3) What would people who know your character well say they're really good at?

4) What do they really want to avoid in their future job/career? Do they hate working in an office? Do they hate the field?

5) Aside from family and peers, what motivates your character the most in life? What drives their passion?

6) Where does your character's weaknesses lie?

7) Wand cores and woods speak volumes about a person's character. What is your character's wand? Why does it answer to them?


Ravenclaw crest The Sorting Hat has placed Chantelle Fawley into Ravenclaw!

"Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
If you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind."

