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Forum: Index > Sorting > Elsabet Kjærgaard

Hyggelige (talk) 20:34, October 29, 2014 (UTC)

The Sorting Quiz
Please Bold Your Choices

1) There are three paths. One leads to a wandering road, another to a lake, and one over a mountain. Which one?

A) None of them, I'm at home reading.

B) Lake

C) Mountain

D) Road

2) Which type of spell is most useful?

A) A Complex Spell

B) A Spell Of Control

C) A Combat Spell

D) A Healing Spell

3) How would you describe yourself?

A) Wise

B) Cunning

C) Hard-working

D) Loyal

4) Someone infuriates you in public. How do you react?

A) Shrug it off.

B) Tell them that they are worthless and to get a life, infuriate them, push them, and storm off.

C) Get up, look at them right in the eye, and walk away like it never happened.

D) They are just joking around.

5) What is most important to you?

A) Grades.

B) Getting your way.

C) Life.

D) Friends and family.

6) Give a description of your character's personality. Personality must be at least one paragraph long. Are you noble or sneaky? Arrogant or Humble? Anything about your character that might help the Sorting Hat decide. (Don't worry, you can copy this onto your character page later!) Elsabet is a typically happy-go-lucky girl, always in a good mood. She doesn't let things get to her and always tries to see the bright side of any situation. The girl is brave and proud, with a large ego. Her bravery can at times be a downfault as she refuses to back down and doesn't really have much of a sense of danger. She considers herself great at socializing and has a good understanding of people - though her ego can annoy others. If something catches her interest, she will dedicate a lot of tiem to it. Otherwise she'll most likely ignore it.

7) Write about the history of your character. History must be at least two paragraphs long. How did they grow up? Is there an incident that made them the way they are? etc. (Again, you can copy this onto your character page later!) Originally she was born in Skagen, Denmark, to a Danish father and German mother. Neither parent was aware of the magical community, so it was quite the shock when she started showing signs. When she turned ten the family moved to the city of Bognor Regis, England for her mothers new job.

Though she missed her friends and home, it didn't take long for her to adapt. Though learning English was a bit of a struggle she just about coped (though to this day she still makes a few mistakes). She would constantly attempt to impress people with her growing magic skills, however it always backfired and just made the kids scared of her. So of course she eventually stopped and started to ask what on earth was going on.

Her parents, whilst supportive, couldn't help her much. They simply told her not to go anything - no matter if she could control it or not - and to go about as if everything was normal. When she turned eleven she was finally given the answer by a teacher at Hogwarts, who explained that she was a muggle-born witch. The teacher assisted her in buying all her supplies and when she was finally ready, she gladly left to attend her new school.

8) Write about your character's appearance. How do they look like? Are you planning on using a certain model for your character? If you already have a picture in mind, you can put it here! Her hair is a somewhat dark shade of blonde and reaches to just past her shoulders. She normally wears it loose or in a ponytail. Her hair isn't very easy to manage and is always messy. Her eyes are blonde and quite round. She's got pale white skin and light freckles on her nose, cheeks, hands and shoulders. She has several scars on her arms and back from various childhood injuries.

9) Are you Pure-Blood, Half-Blood or Muggle-Born? Do you have any notable magical relations? (Remember, you cannot be related to important Harry Potter characters!) Muggle-born, so no notable magical relations.

10) Does your character have any special magical abilities? Or special abilities in general (photographic memory, etc.)? Is he or she of a different magical race, such as veela, vampire, werewolf or the likes? Part or half of that magical race counts! (Remember, you cannot have an "exotic" characters as your first two characters!) No.

11) What year is your character in? Fifth

Any House You DO NOT Want to Be In? (No Promises, Sorry) Ravenclaw

Any House You REALLY Want to Be In? (Sorry, Again, No Promises) Gryffindor of Hufflepuff

Out of Character Questions (These do not affect which House you'll be sorted into)

1. How much time will you have to participate on this RP site? (This does not affect which House you'll be sorted into).

A) I have a lot of other responsibilities, and although I really want to be a part of this wiki, there may be days on end I won't be able to participate in anything.
B) Although I do have some other responsibilities, and there may be times I'll be absent, I should be able to participate on a weekly basis, around my other schedule.
C) I should be able to participate at least some every day.
D) I have loads of free time, and don't see participation to be a problem at all.

2. Is this your first character?

A) This is my first character
B) This is NOT my first character.

3. If your answer to the previous question is B, how many characters do you have? How many of them are "exotic"? N/A

4. Please post your time zone in relation with the UTC time zone (ex. Eastern Standard Time is -4), but if you don't understand how to calculate that then please simply put the name of your time zone below.

GMT (England)

Number of A's:

Number of B's:

Number of C's:

Number of D's:

Gryffindor crest The Sorting Hat has placed Elsabet Kjærgaard into Gryffindor!

"You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve, and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart."

Listen to your heart!
Listen to the rain!
Listen to the voices in your brain! 20:41, October 29, 2014 (UTC)
