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Forum: Index > Sorting > Hazel Habsburg (2)

TimeSigBeen through some bad shit, I should be a savage, who woulda thought it'd turn me to a sad bitch? TimeSig

The Sorting Quiz

A. Select the option that best fits your character. (Remember, this part is a requirement for every character you make! Please italicize the answer.)

1. What are you looking forward to learning at Hogwarts the most?

A. Transfiguration
B. Magical Creatures
C. Hexes & Jinxes
D. The castle's secret areas

2. Pick one:

A. Stars
B. Moon

3. If flowers adapted their scent to attract the unwary, what would it smell of in order to lure you in?

A. Parchment
B. Freshly baked bread
C. A crackling log fire
D. The Sea

4. Pick one:

A. Dawn
B. Dusk

5. Four boxes are placed before you. Which one do you open?

A. The ornate one, promising secret knowledge and unbearable temptation
B. The small, tortoiseshell box, embellished in gold, with a small, squeaking creature
C. The small, pewter box that reads "I only open for the worthy"
D. The gleaming black box marked with Merlin's rune

6. Pick one:

A. White
B. Black

7. What road tempts you the most?

A. The cobbled street lined with ancient buildings
B. The wide, sunny, grassy lane
C. The twisting, leaf-strewn path through woods
D. The narrow, dark, lantern-lit alley

8. Pick one:

A. Forest
B. River

9. What scares you most?

A. Speaking in such a silly voice, people will laugh at you and mock you
B. Waking up and realizing your family & friends don't know you
C. An eye at the keyhole of the dark, windowless room where you're locked
D. Standing on top of something high, without anything to stop you from falling

10. It's late, you're walking alone, and hear a peculiar cry you believe has a magical source. What do you do?

A. Wait for developments, while mentally reviewing the most appropriate spells
B. Draw your wand & stand your ground
C. Draw your wand & search for the source
D. Proceed with caution, keep a hand on the concealed wand, and keep an eye out

The Character's Background

1) Give a description of your character's personality. It must be at least two paragraphs long, seven sentences each.

Hazel is the social outcast that knows exactly what you think of her. Knowing she was already a social pariah because of what her parents did, she embraced the role and is quick to use it as a barrier. May as well take the legacy as her own rather than let people use it against her. Hazel is quick to think everyone thinks the worst of her and hate her. It's easy to protect yourself and your feelings from other people if you make sure you never let them in far enough to hurt you. Hazel is use to people staring at her. Use to people judging her, believing her to be just like her parents–a killer. And whilst some people are driven to prove them wrong, Hazel couldn't care less. Hell, she's driven to prove people right. Hazel breaks as many rules as she can. Part of it is to draw attention onto her. Part of it is to see the reactions of whoever it is in authority. And the other part of it is just to have some fun. It's always the fun life that the adults try to ban, right?

Hazel has an imagination. A very creative imagination. In the sense that Hazel is very likely to create stories in order to entertain people. Namely, lies about real people. She once went in front of a whole class and told people a specific professor was a spy in order to prevent a house elf revolution that was brewing in Hogwarts. Hazel doesn't like responsibility, especially for other people, and tends to stick to herself and maybe one or two other people. Whilst she'll use her parent's narrative as a barrier, in truth it does hurt her. It scares her to think she actually might be like her parents. Scares her that the rumours of her being able to kill someone might actually be true. Whilst she is a gentle person in reality–it's only because she's so scared of actually physically hurting someone. Hazel can be described as loud, imaginative, reclusive, socially awkward and someone who's unsure of where she stands in life.

2) Write about the history of your character. How did they grow up? Is there an incident that made them the way they are? It must be at least three paragraphs long, seven sentences each.

The Habsburg line could be traced back to Charlemagne the Great, the first crowned king in Europe since the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 800, and continues both in the magical world and the muggle world today. The Holy Roman Empire lasted until 1806 and was the longest known empire in known history, lasting more than a thousand years. The Holy Roman Emperor, unlike the other empires at the time, was elected into the position by nobles. Hence, the position of king and emperor jumped from house to house throughout its history. The House of Habsburg had entered the Holy Roman Empire royal line when Rudolph was elected king in 1273. Previously, the Habsburg were a minor house that had only held the title of Count. However, Rudolph was not able to secure the title of emperor. It wasn't until Frederick III was elected emperor in 1452. After Frederick, the succession became inherited within the family line and the election was only a formality.

The Holy Roman Empire was a vast empire that ruled over a vast land of Europe, including Germany, Austria, Italy to name a few. It was later to include Spain under HRE Charles V. Charles the fifth was both the king of Spain and later the HRE when his grandfather died. Thus he was the reigning emperor of almost all of Europe at the time, creating tension across the land, especially within the rival empires. During his reign, he laid the approval for the settlements in California, the effort to convert Asia and created the foundations to colonialism. However, when he died, he split his empire into two sections. He split his empire into the Austrian empire and the Spanish empire, thus splitting the family into two branches. Though the Spanish line eventually died out, resulting in a fight for the throne, the Austrian line thrived until 1806 with the death of Holy Roman Emperor Francis II. The Holy Roman Empire officially collapsed after Napoleon's conquest.

However, this was when the Habsburg line split. Two brothers, Ferdinand and Philip, had a bitter argument of what to do with the future of Austria. What history fails to mention is that both brother's were wizards, educated by private tutors from both worlds. Philip believed their future lay more in the magical world, that they had run the muggle world dry and that so many more opportunities lay inside the new world. However, Ferdinand felt differently. When their father died, Ferdinand became Ferdinand the First and Philip disappeared into the Austrian ministry of Magic. Though he was, technically, a half blood, his status and wealth allowed him to hold immense influence in the ministry by the time he died. Though he never held minister of magic, his power nearly rivaled that title. He was a puppeteer. His descendents all followed in his foot steps and nearly all became Minister of Magic one way or another. Some held the title for decades. Some for only a few years. It depended. Regardless, the Habsburg line in the magical world was far more successful than in the muggle, like Philip had predicted.

It was in this context that we Harrison Habsburg, the current patriarch of the family, and his two baby mothers, Emilia and Whitney. Emilia, his first wife and the mother to the first four children, was an arranged marriage that occurred during his years at Beauxbatons. Emilia was the youngest daughter to a prominent member of the Frankfurt Mafia. Like the Habsburgs, they also had a branch operating in the wizarding world, often becoming dark witches and wizards or dealing with the black market. A political marriage, neither were too impressed with one another but they dealt with their pride and ego enough that they resulted in four children. Harrison eventually became chief warlock and it was here that he began to have an affair with Whitney Thurman, one of his coworkers. It was only a few months after Emilia announced their fourth child did Whitney confess to being pregnant herself. Having fallen deeply in love, it didn't take long for Harrison and Whitney too come up with a plot for them to be together. They did try to go down the more humane route. They sat Emilia down and told her two weeks after she had given birth to Jessamine. Told her that they were running off together.

Emilia, as one would expect, didn't take this well and tried to attack Whitney. In the scuffle, Harrison ended up snapping Emilia's neck. Not sure what else to do, they made her body disappear and made it seem as if she had run off with some mysterious lover that she apparently had for years. Of course, nearly everyone in society began to suspect something was amiss, especially when Harrison and Whitney became public. Whitney was heavily pregnant and people could do the maths. They became the prime suspects and even though they paid the auror office to mess with the evidence, resulting in the law leaving them alone, they couldn't do the same for Emilia's mafia family. To save themselves, the family moved too England to escape their reach. Whitney gave birth too Hazel, the youngest of the Habsburgs. With Harrison in the Ministry of Magic, life became normal. Their eldest children went to Hogwarts and Whitney worked in St. Mungos. Everything seemed to be okay until recently. When the mafia caught up to them. With the youngest being thirteen and the eldest having long moved out, it wasn't hard to catch Whitney and Harrison alone in their mansion. Soon, both lay dead. Both dead at the hands of Harrison's ex father in law, the grandfather to four of Harrison's children. He took great pleasure in doing so.

The family was always in the spotlight, with everyone talking about the possible murder of Emilia Habsburg, but now they were even more so. Doing their best to keep their life together, the five siblings kept low with the two minors being left in the custody of Elliot Habsburg, the eldest son in his late twenties. Their parents wealth was split between them all, with Hazel's and Jessamine's being left in a trust, but there was more than enough to go between them. Once one of the most prominent political families in all of Europe, they were now treated with suspicion across the magical world. The five children, the last of the Habsburgs, trying their best to pick up the pieces.

Hazel was the youngest and the most controversial child. The love child of mixed heritage made it painfully obvious to people who she was. Compared to her siblings, she stuck out like a sore thumb. As a child, she was use to people turning to stare at her when she walked through the street. All of them recognizing her to be the legacy of her parent's crime. This became even worse when her parents died at the hands of the mafia. When she was seven years old, she had her first magical incident. She made the daily prophet catch on fire. It had an article about her family and one thing led to another. It was enough though to get her a ticket straight into Hogwarts. Even though she was rather...unpopular, Hazel liked the place well enough. She found her niche in being the outcast of the school and having a lack of friends.

3) Write about your character's appearance. What do they look like? Are you planning on using a certain model for your character? If you already have a picture in mind, you can put it here!

4) Is your character a Pure-Blood, Half-Blood or Muggle-Born? Do you have any notable magical relations? (Remember, you cannot be related to important characters from the Harry Potter Universe!)


5) Does your character have any special abilities? Is he or she of a different magical race, such as Veela, Vampire, Werewolf or the like? Part or half of a magical race counts! (Remember, you cannot have a character with special abilities/of a different magical race as one of your first two characters!)


6) What year is your character in?

Upcoming fifth

7) The Sorting Hat has been known to take house preference into consideration. If your character could select one house they believe they are best suited for, what would it be and why?

i'd prefer slytherin or gryffindor but it's ok if not

OOC Questions

B. Whilst the first two questions will not affect the character's house (and are mandatory), the others are designed specifically to help users come up with their character's ideal job (and are optional).

1) Is this your first character?

A. This is my first character.
B. No, this is not my first character.

2) If your answer to the previous question is B, how many characters do you have? How many of them are "exotic"? If you do have exotic characters, please list both the name and the type of exotic. Remember you are only allowed one of each type with the exception of nymphs.

18 (or 19??) and four exotics

  1. Princess Sophia of Windsor (animagus)
  2. Caera Dea (legilimen)
  3. Lady Mary Jade Boleyn (werewolf)
  4. Constantin Lysander Altair (vampire)

3) What would people who know your character well say they're really good at?

4) What do they really want to avoid in their future job/career? Do they hate working in an office? Do they hate the field?

5) Aside from family and peers, what motivates your character the most in life? What drives their passion?

6) Where does your character's weaknesses lie?

7) Wand cores and woods speak volumes about a person's character. What is your character's wand? Why does it answer to them?


Slytherin's Crest The Sorting Hat has placed Hazel Habsburg (2) into Slytherin!

"Or perhaps in Slytherin,
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folk use any means,
To achieve their ends."

— don't put me in the basement, when i want the penthouse of your heart
