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Dumbledore's Army Role-Play Wiki
Forum: Index > Sorting > Hope Summers

Please put four ~ (tildes) or your signature here.  MarauderingGleek (talk) 17:51, December 27, 2013 (UTC)

Please Bold Your Choices

1) There are three paths. One leads to a wandering road, another to a lake, and one over a mountain. Which one?

A) None of them, I'm at home reading.

B) Lake

C) Mountain

D) Road

2) Which type of spell is most useful?

A) A Complex Spell

B) A Spell Of Control

C) A Combat Spell

D) A Healing Spell

3) How would you describe yourself?

A) Wise

B) Cunning

C) Hard-working

D) Loyal

4) Someone infuriates you in public. How do you react?

A) Shrug it off.

B) Tell them that they are worthless and to get a life, infuriate them, push them, and storm off.

C) Get up, look at them right in the eye, and walk away like it never happened.

D) They are just joking around.

5) What is most important to you?

A) Grades.

B) Getting your way.

C) Life.

D) Friends and family.

6) Give a short description of your character's personality. Are you noble or sneaky? Arrogant or Humble? Anything about your character that might help the Sorting Hat decide. (Don't worry, you can copy this onto your character page later!)

Hope is generally kind and helpful but can occasionally be lazy. She is althletic, not being interested in girly things like  make up and shopping, in fact she absolutely detests shopping. She is tenacious, brave and intellegent and will protect her friends and family at all costs, even her own life. Hope will generally listen to rules but is not against breaking them. She does well enough in school, being more interested in sports she never understood the need for things like english or poetry, however she likes music and tends to listen to it often and she will stand up for what she thinks is right like equal rights. She is a straight forward person but doesn't understand social interactions so can come across as rude unintentionally.

7)Give a short history of your character. How did they grow up? Is there an incident that made them the way they are? etc. (Again, you can copy this onto your character page later!)

Hope grew up in a small town in Northern Ireland, she played sports with the boys in school. She was good at maths and science in school and so became curious about how the world works. When she was seven, she and her family went to a carnival where she displayed her first signs of magic by turning a pink toy she won blue. Hope and her family were pleasently surprised when she recieved her letter as it was an answer to all the strange things that were happening around her. When the Professor explained about the wizarding world she and her parents were left in a state of shock. Hope was astouded by Diagon alley and found herself wishing that she could look at it all at once.

 Being different, Hope was never really popular. However, the few friends she had were like family and she was disappointed when she was told that she wasn't allowed to tell them about her new found powers. For her first while in the wizarding world Hope was lost and confused but at the same time mistifyed by magic. The professor who told her about the Wizarding world bought her a copy of Hogwarts: A History that she read every day, intrigued by this new, previously uknown world.

When Hope read that Hogwarts was a castle, she became excited as she'd always wanted to go to a castle. She was a bit nervous at the prospect of going to a bording school and being away from her family and friends but she soon befriended others in her year and began learning about this new world she was plunged into head first.

8) Are you Pure-Blood, Half-Blood or Muggle-Born? Do you have any notable magical relations? (Remember, you cannot be related to important Harry Potter characters!)

Muggle-Born, None

9) Does your character have any special magical abilities? Or special abilities in general (photographic memory, etc.)? Is he or she of a different magical race, such as veela, vampire, werewolf or the likes? Part or half of that magical race counts! (Remember, you cannot have an "exotic" characters as your first two characters!)


Any House You DO NOT Want to Be In? (No Promises, Sorry)


Any House You REALLY Want to Be In? (Sorry, Again, No Promises)


Out of Character Questions (These do not affect which House you'll be sorted into)

1. How much time will you have to participate on this RP site? (This does not affect which House you'll be sorted into).

A) I have a lot of other responsibilities, and although I really want to be a part of this wiki, there may be days on end I won't be able to participate in anything.
B) Although I do have some other responsibilities, and there may be times I'll be absent, I should be able to participate on a weekly basis, around my other schedule.
C) I should be able to participate at least some every day.
D) I have loads of free time, and don't see participation to be a problem at all.

2. Is this your first character?

A) This is my first character
B) This is NOT my first character.

3. If your answer to the previous question is B, how many characters do you have? How many of them are "exotic"?

My answer was A

4. Please post your time zone in relation with the UTC time zone (ex. Eastern Standard Time is -4), but if you don't understand how to calculate that then please simply put the name of your time zone below. My Time Zone is UTC. (+/- 0)

Number of A's:2

Number of B's:1

Number of C's:1

Number of D's:3


Sorting Hat Artifact
-- "Oh you may not think I'm pretty, but don't judge on what you see, I'll eat myself if you can find a smarter hat than me."

 – 01:42, December 28, 2013 (UTC)

"Gryffindor, eh? You do have a bit of lion in you. But you're a loyal friend, I can see that, and very kind and very helpful. Hmm... You'd probably be better suited in HUFFLEPUFF!"

Hufflepuff crest The Sorting Hat has placed Hope Summers into Hufflepuff!

"You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true,
And unafraid of toil."

LittleRedCrazyHood 01:42, December 28, 2013 (UTC)
