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Forum: Index > Sorting > Isobel Woodhouse

- jayemalik'

The Open-Ended Questions

A. Please answer the following questions as elaborately as possible. (Remember, this part is only a requirement for your third to fifteenth character!)

1) What would you consider to be your character's strengths, and your character's weaknesses? Elaborate on your answer.

Isobel thinks of herself lowly. Words like disgrace, weak and coward often cross her mind. To a certain extent, she is all of them. Her self-depreciating thoughts tend to worsen the situation by a lot. As much as she hates herself and the life she has, she does have to admit she has some more attractive qualities. She's resiliant. She must be, if she's gone through her whole life without making an attempt against her own life. She's clever. Must be if she wants to learn more and more about muggles and their way of existing without her family discovering. Sometimes, Isobel likes to think that despite the overwhelming amount of weaknesses she has, her bigger strengths balance them.

2) What goals and objectives has your character set out in their life? Is it to be successful and rich? Is it to find happiness? Why?

It may sound horrible, but she wants her parents to cease to exist. She's had enough of them to last her a lifetime, and then another. Until that happens - which Isobel doubts will be any time soon - there is no way she'll put a goal for her to achieve. Until that day comes, the only thing on her mind will be to prepare to take control of the Woodhouse clan. She doesn't want to disappoint her family, no matter how many times they've disappointed her.

3) What's their ideal way of spending a free day? Why so?

Her ideal day is doing anything that doesn't involve social interactions, much less if it's with her family. She'd rather be cooped up in her room, taking inspiration from her books to write fics of her own, but she isn't picky.

4) If your character could only keep 5 possessions, what would they be? Why?

There's not much she'd keep. Or at least not as much as she'd like to get rid of, for instance, her parents. Moreover, that's an entirely different question. One that Isobel isn't sure she could answer and stay unscathed. Back on track, she'd only keep her wand (for obvious reasons), the locket Bethany gave her many, many years ago, back when Lachlan was alive and she was a babe (it has a picture of the siblings before the family began to fall apart), and the diary that holds some of her and her family's deepest, darkest secrets. And then some.

5) What one thing would your character change about the wizarding society? Why?

The social hierarchy. She doesn't understand why it's so important to maintain a high-profiled status, especially when you have to go to great lengths to keep it intact. She doesn't doesn't get why the wizarding society is divided the way it is. Is it truly necessary to keep the wealthy and self-proclaimed "pure ones" separated from the "blood traitors" and lesser wealthy? There are just one too many problems and situations regarding the social hierarchy the wizarding community has refused to let go of. Isobel would abolish it. No more divisions.

6) What house does your character want to be in? What house does your character not want to be in? Why?

Isobel honestly doesn't want to be a Slytherin. It's not who she is, she knows that. Yet her entire family was composed of Slytherins, excluding the occasional "disappointment", as her father so kindly called those that strayed away, such as older sister Bethany. She's clever, making Ravenclaw a true and honest house for her. Regardless, she has an image to maintain, a façade to keep up, so the likelihood of her begging the hat for Slytherin during the ceremony before first year quite immense.

The Sorting Quiz

B. Select the option that best fits your character. (Remember, this part is a requirement for every character you make! Please bold the answers from an IC Point of View, and mark in italics the answers from the OOC Point of View.)

1) Which type of spell is most useful?

A) A Complex Spell

B) A Spell Of Control

C) A Combat Spell

D) A Healing Spell

2) What is most important to you?

A) Grades.

B) Getting your way.

C) Life.

D) Friends and family.

3) What would you do if a teacher caught you cheating?

A. I'm the person people cheat off of.

B. I wouldn't get caught; I'm too slick.

C. I would deny the accusation until the teacher gives up.

D. I would 'fess up, apologize, and accept the consequences.

4) What matters most to your character?

A. Wisdom

B. Reputation

C. Success

D. Friendship

5) What's the best way to get things done?

A. Putting together a qualified team and completing the task efficiently.

B. Trick someone else into doing the work for you.

C. Get some friends together and lead them in the task.

D. The right way, no matter how long it takes.

The Character's Background

1) Give a description of your character's personality. Are you noble or sneaky? Arrogant or Humble? Anything about your character that might help the Sorting Hat decide. (Don't worry, you can copy this onto your character page later!) (Remember, personality must be at least one paragraph long for the first two characters, two paragraphs long for the third to eighth characters, and three paragraphs long for the ninth to fifteenth!)

Isobel is an absolute coward. Or at least so she thinks of herself, given her inability to stand up for herself and rebel against her father. She knows by now what happened to her older siblings were due to her parents (her father more so than her mother). It's left her more than a little frightened to stand up for herself, make her life worth something. She's been raised her entire life to follow proper etiquette and be the ideal head of house, despite her unfavorable gender. She knows her father would rather she be brought up as the ideal housewife, but at this point, it's crucial the Woodhouse line goes on, even if through a girl. It stresses her a lot, especially since she wants to achieve that potential she's more than aware she has, but she's learned to hide it to the point she's no longer sure it's even there anymore.

Adept at faking her way through everything, Isobel is the epitome of fictional. Everything she's endured, everything she's taken in stride... it's surreal, and not in the positive aspect. By now, you would have expected her to break down in a fit of tears, screams and curses. But she hasn't. Like her mother has done all these years, like Lachlan, George and Bethany, she's put on a smile - one that buries her pain and agony deep inside - and carried on. There isn't anything she can do, not until her father and uncle pass on. Even then, it may take a long time for Isobel to come to terms with who she is and how she got there, to revert all that emotional, mental and physical abuse she endured for years on end. If she even gets there, which is doubtful, given how she always shuts down and doesn't allow herself to get attached. Qiana and WIP were sole exceptions to the rule, and to be frank, neither of them are completely aware of her parents' track record with her.

Although it's not clear what with her status and her parents' refusal to allow her to do anything some lower muggle-born brat would do, Isobel adores children. Admittedly part of her also envies them, too, how they're so carefree and happy, but she never openly expresses them. The idea of working with kids appeals to her, but again, there's no way she could ever work with them, with her life having been so clearly set out for her. Not to mention, odds are she'd suck at it, or so she thinks. She tends to be self-depreciating, rooting from all those insults her father has slurred at her these past 16 years of her life. She's just closed in a bubble of self-negativity, and until her family relents (or dies, being more realistic), there's no way of convincing her she deserves better than that.

Isobel thinks of herself really lowly. Words like disgrace, weak and coward often cross her mind. To a certain extent, she is all of them. Her self-depreciating thoughts tend to worsen the situation by a lot. As much as she hates herself and the life she has, she does have to admit she has some more attractive qualities - albeit reluctantly - thanks to Qiana, who only knows she's a depressed gump without an ounce of self-respect. She's resilient, she knows it even if she keeps it a secret. She must be, if she's gone through her whole life without making an attempt against her own life. She's clever. Must be if she wants to learn more and more about muggles and their way of existing without her family discovering. Sometimes, Isobel likes to think that despite the overwhelming amount of weaknesses she has, her bigger strengths balance them, but it never lasts and she's back to that self-hating miserable bubble she's been forced into.

2) Write about the history of your character. How did they grow up? Is there an incident that made them the way they are? etc. (Again, you can copy this onto your character page later!) (Remember, history must at least be two paragraphs long for the first two characters, three paragraphs long for the third to eighth character, and four paragraphs long for the ninth to fifteenth character!)

Trey, Barclay, Imogen and Alexander Woodhouse are the oldest living generation of Woodhouses. They all have their own families and have a varying amount of influence within the family. There's Alexander, the youngest, who was none whatsoever. Imogen has none. Not only was it because of her status as the only girl, but also because of her "life as a deviant". She was a lesbian, which led to her disownment. Then there's Barclay - Isobel Woodhouse's father - who is second-in-line to inherit total control over the family as its head. Finally, there's Trey Woodhouse. He's the one that has all the power, yet he's such a jackass. He's the father of the infamous Kedric Woodhouse, Isobel's cousin, whom she knows all too well about; however, that's a story for another time. This is about Isobel.

There's not much to say about Isobel, at least if you ask her. She'd probably just tell you about how she was homeschooled by private tutors and excelled her in studies. She wouldn't dare come into the topic of her relation with her parents. It's a strained one, to put it lightly. It goes back to when Isobel was just a little girl, no older than three. She shouldn't remember that as well as she does, but her life has been trauma after trauma that she doubts she ever will. She used to have three older siblings. There was Lachlan Finnegan Woodhouse, the oldest sibling within that branch. Lachlan and her were never close. The age difference was too big. He was thirteen years older than she was, and ODed when Isobel turned three. She found his body. To this day, she will never forget those dead, cold eyes staring emptily at her. It'll forever haunt her.

There was also George Alexander Woodhouse. She and George share just a little more memories. He's only nine years older than her, so he was the one to babysit her for the first two years until he left for Hogwarts. He often babied her and Bethany, something that didn't stop throughout his holidays spent at home. He left for his fifth year at Hogwarts. Isobel never saw him again. She also had - has - an older sister. Bethany Alexandra Woodhouse. Beth is a bit more sore subject for her. Beth was only five years older than she was, so they were understandably close growing up. All they had was each other until Bethany had to leave for Hogwarts. Bethany changed throughout the years, until eventually, she dropped out of Hogwarts, failing to finish her schooling as she instead ran away. She hasn't heard from her since.

Growing up, life got harder and harder for Isobel Woodhouse. The reason Lachlan committed suicide, George got disowned, and Bethany ran away were ones her father never bothered to shield her from. He wanted her to know exactly what she couldn't and wouldn't grow up to be. Lachlan was supposed to become the head when the time came, but he couldn't handle the pressure. He was weak. Barclay said so himself, and their mother - Ariana Woodhouse - didn't argue with him. Not once. Isobel was careful to not show weaknesses growing up. If she did, there'd be consequences. There seemed to be consequences for everything, ever since the deaths and disappearances began. Whether it was getting her father's belt against her skin until he got tired, or getting just a slap, it all depended on how bad she messed up.

George's beliefs hadn't aligned with that of his parents's (or at least their father's, because her mom was as silent and expressionless as ever.) Barclay had made it clear he wouldn't tolerate anything of the sort to Isobel. Should she ever disobey any of his rules, there would be bad consequences. His daughter would not be a fuck up. The child to inherit all the power and fortune would not mess with centuries worth of influence. He wouldn't stand for it. Again, how badly his punishments hurt depended on the graveness of the situation she'd gotten herself tangled up in. The worst she did, the worst she'd hurt. Yet, Isobel braved on. Not once did she allow herself to show weakness or crumble, like her older siblings had seemingly done. She wasn't weak like them. Her parents were making sure of it, and she had to prove them right. She was too scared to think of any different. Especially when the painful truth of Bethany's disappearance arose. She knew Bethany had been different. Bethany was transgender. She - well, he, to Isobel's understanding - hadn't been comfortable in his body. He'd known Ariana and Barclay would not be supportive, and had run for a better future. At least that's what he'd tried to explain when he returned home, adamant that his family let go of Isobel before they broke her beyond repair. It was a matter of time. Besides that one visit, Isobel never heard of ehr sister - brother - again.

Isobel finally turned eleven and got her letter to Hogwarts. It was astonishing how much had happened in the first eleven years of her life. In the middle of it all, her magic had surfaced, when she made her bruises disappear after one of her father's violent fits. She had no choice but to tell her parents, when her mother came to cover her bruises with makeup for one of their family appearances. Her father had been proud for once in his damned life, and hadn't laid a hand on her until a week later. It sucked, but at least she went a week without pain.

Isobel was sorted into WIP after some begging to the hat of her behalf. She wouldn't be able to deal with more pain if her father found out she wasn't originally going to be put in that house. Her entire family had been in that house, excluding the people her father and uncle deemed as outcasts in the family. She met Qiana and WIP that year, who turned out to be good friends. Or at least the only Isobel would have for the next long years of her life. Whenever Isobel came to Hogwarts from holidays or summer and she'd have bruises (some were just too difficult to cover and/or heal), she was able to play it off. They never pushed her or questioned it, which she was grateful for. Even from her bubble of self-hatred, she found it in herself to be grateful for her friends. She adored them, even if she couldn't introduce them to her family, for different reasons. They were her family at Hogwarts, and that's what mattered. She had to make the most of it. When she was done with school... it'd be harder to keep their friendship a secret from her parents, which would probably lead to her ending the friendships she'd formed. She's already in sixth year and dreads that moment, so she tries not to think about it too much.

3) Write about your character's appearance. What do they look like? Are you planning on using a certain model for your character? If you already have a picture in mind, you can put it here!


Her FC is Dianna Agron.

4) Is your character a Pure-Blood, Half-Blood or Muggle-Born? Do you have any notable magical relations? (Remember, you cannot be related to important Harry Potter characters!)


5) Does your character have any special magical abilities? Or special abilities in general (photographic memory, etc.)? Is he or she of a different magical race, such as Veela, Vampire, Werewolf or the like? Part or half of that magical race counts! (Remember, you cannot have a character with special abilities/of a different magical race as one of your first two characters!)


6) What year is your character in?

Entering sixth

OOC Questions

Out of Character Questions (These do not affect which House you'll be sorted into. Everyone must answer!)

1) How much time will you have to participate on this RP site? (This does not affect which House you'll be sorted into).

A) I have a lot of other responsibilities, and although I really want to be a part of this wiki, there may be days on end I won't be able to participate in anything.

B) Although I do have some other responsibilities, and there may be times I'll be absent, I should be able to participate on a weekly basis, around my other schedule.

C) I should be able to participate at least some every day.

D) I have loads of free time, and don't see participation to be a problem at all.

2) Is this your first character?

A) This is my first character.

B) No, this is not my first character.

3) If your answer to the previous question is B, how many characters do you have? How many of them are "exotic" (of a different magical race/have a special ability)?

7/2 iirc?

  • Only because she really really wanted to be...
Slytherin's Crest The Sorting Hat has placed Isobel Woodhouse into Slytherin!

"Or perhaps in Slytherin,
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folk use any means,
To achieve their ends."

- a george a day keeps the doctor away.KayleSig-PetililKayleSig-Lilligant 20:12, January 8, 2017 (UTC)
