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Forum: Index > Sorting > Jung Minhyuk
"I ran looking at the blue sky, I wanted to fly like that airplane." J-hope-png-4

The Sorting Quiz

A. Select the option that best fits your character. (Remember, this part is a requirement for every character you make! Please italicize the answer.)

1. What are you looking forward to learning at Hogwarts the most?

A. Transfiguration
B. Magical Creatures
C. Hexes & Jinxes
D. The castle's secret areas

2. Pick one:

B. Stars
A. Moon

3. If flowers adapted their scent to attract the unwary, what would it smell of in order to lure you in?

A. Parchment
B. Freshly baked bread
C. A crackling log fire
D. The Sea

4. Pick one:

A. Dawn
B. Dusk

5. Four boxes are placed before you. Which one do you open?

A. The ornate one, promising secret knowledge and unbearable temptation
B. The small, tortoiseshell box, embellished in gold, with a small, squeaking creature
C. The small, pewter box that reads "I only open for the worthy"
D. The gleaming black box marked with Merlin's rune

6. Pick one:

A. White
B. Black

7. What road tempts you the most?

A. The cobbled street lined with ancient buildings
B. The wide, sunny, grassy lane
C. The twisting, leaf-strewn path through woods
D. The narrow, dark, lantern-lit alley

8. Pick one:

A. Forest
B. River

9. What scares you most?

A. Speaking in such a silly voice, people will laugh at you and mock you
B. Waking up and realizing your family & friends don't know you
C. An eye at the keyhole of the dark, windowless room where you're locked
D. Standing on top of something high, without anything to stop you from falling

10. It's late, you're walking alone, and hear a peculiar cry you believe has a magical source. What do you do?

A. Wait for developments, while mentally reviewing the most appropriate spells
B. Draw your wand & stand your ground
C. Draw your wand & search for the source
D. Proceed with caution, keep a hand on the concealed wand, and keep an eye out

The Character's Background

1) Give a description of your character's personality. It must be at least two paragraphs long, seven sentences each.

Minhyuk is a special kid who just wants the people around him to be happy. He believes there's too much sadness in the world, and there's no reason to add to it. Ever since he was a kid, he'd find a creative way to fix problems. There was no challenge too great for him. He also had a talent for getting people to smile and laugh. No matter how bad you'd be feeling, Minhyuk could turn it around for you.

Also incredibly smart, Minhyuk knows how to get work done in the fastest way possible. He figures out shortcuts to everything which he often gets chastised for, but he still gets the job done, doesn't he? A bad habit he's picked up is staying up late, even into the morning. Between muggle and magic studies, he has a lot of work to do so he just stays up all night to complete it. This boy could run on twenty minutes of sleep and a coke if he needed to. He's tried breaking the habit, but he's found out that he simply cannot sleep at night. His body won't allow it. Minhyuk is also very neat. He refuses to admit that he OCD, but everything has to be done in a certain order and everything has to have its place with him. 

Something Minhyuk picked up as a child and simply never stopped was swimming. It was just something he was good at and did well. At the muggle school he attends, he joined the swim team. He's there on scholarship for it so he didn't financially burden his family. That's the main thing about Minhyuk that people can see right off the bat - he's one of the most considerate people you'll ever meet. He makes sure that he's never a burden, and is always looking for ways to help people.

In contradiction with his efforts to include others, Minhyuk is a rather bashful individual. He listens more than speaks, and he's quite content with that. He isn't used to being the center of attention, and would much rather be on the side lines. Despite his tendency to seclude himself, he overcomes it to make others feel welcome. He's got his priorities set.

2) Write about the history of your character. How did they grow up? Is there an incident that made them the way they are? It must be at least three paragraphs long, seven sentences each.

Jung Jibin was your average wizard growing up in Korea. He went through the motions like every young wizard did: first sign of magic, going of to wizarding school in Japan, and graduating with decent scores. The only unexpected part was falling in love with a muggle named Nakamura Yui. She was absolutely beautiful inside and out and made Jibin the happiest man in the world. It wasn't long before Yui found out about Jibin being a wizard, but she couldn't care in the slightest. She loved him. And he loved her.

They married and settled down in Osaka, Japan where Yui grew up. A year later, they had a baby boy named Minhyuk after Jibin's father. They loved that little baby more than anything. Growing up, little Minhyuk was always happy. He took it upon himself to make all the other children happy too. At a very young age, Minhyuk realized his skill of creativity. Taking that talent, he would always make cards for the other kids or write stories that included everyone. He never let a kid feel left out. He'd find a way to include them.

When Minhyuk was six, he had his first sign of magic at a daycare. One of the kids had spilled their drink on his shirt, and the rest of the kids laughed at him. Desperate to make the kid feel better, Minhyuk caused everyone's drinks to fall off the table and onto them too. Next thing you know, everyone was soaked with apple juice and laughing at themselves. The daycare leader wasn't so happy though.

The next year, Minhyuk began attending Mahoutokoro. He thrived there, making friends and making others happy while he was at it. It was when Minhyuk turned eleven that he got some devastating news. His mother had gotten cancer and wasn't expected to live very long. Not wanting her son to see her in such a week state, she sent him to spend summers with her parents in England. Her condition has only gotten worse, and ever since the initial news, Minhyuk's light has grown more dim. The once cheerful and positive boy was now trodden with reality and the baggage that came with it. Determined to help, Minhyuk doubled his studies, also learning muggle medicine to one day help his mother and others like her. That is his dream to this day. To be her hero like she was his. But he was running out of time.

The summer before his ninth year, his parents decided it would be good for Minhyuk to transfer. The truth was, Yui's condition was worsening, and they didn't want her loss to completely devastate Minhyuk. So they distanced him. He'd be able to go back to Japan for Christmas break, but other than that, he'd live with his grandparents. And with that decision, Minhyuk would start his sixth year at Hogwarts.

3) Write about your character's appearance. What do they look like? Are you planning on using a certain model for your character? If you already have a picture in mind, you can put it here!

His model is Kang Taehyun

4) Is your character a Pure-Blood, Half-Blood or Muggle-Born? Do you have any notable magical relations? (Remember, you cannot be related to important characters from the Harry Potter Universe!)


5) Does your character have any special abilities? Is he or she of a different magical race, such as Veela, Vampire, Werewolf or the like? Part or half of a magical race counts! (Remember, you cannot have a character with special abilities/of a different magical race as one of your first two characters!)

Nope, but he is hella smart in both magical and muggle studies.

6) What year is your character in?

Ninth (?) at Mahoutokoro

7) The Sorting Hat has been known to take house preference into consideration. If your character could select one house they believe they are best suited for, what would it be and why?

None because he doesn't have a house, but probably Ravenclaw if he were at Hogwarts

OOC Questions

B. Whilst the first two questions will not affect the character's house (and are mandatory), the others are designed specifically to help users come up with their character's ideal job (and are optional).

1) Is this your first character?

A. This is my first character.
B. No, this is not my first character.

2) If your answer to the previous question is B, how many characters do you have? How many of them are "exotic"?

15 active; 1 exotic

3) What would people who know your character well say they're really good at?

4) What do they really want to avoid in their future job/career? Do they hate working in an office? Do they hate the field?

5) Aside from family and peers, what motivates your character the most in life? What drives their passion?

6) Where does your character's weaknesses lie?

7) Wand cores and woods speak volumes about a person's character. What is your character's wand? Why does it answer to them?


Ravenclaw crest The Sorting Hat has placed Jung Minhyuk into Ravenclaw!

"Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
If you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind."

TimeSigBeen through some bad shit, I should be a savage, who woulda thought it'd turn me to a sad bitch? TimeSig
