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Forum: Index > Sorting > Katja Kranz-Munteanu
Cause your dream in life is to be a footballer's wife.

The Open-Ended Questions

A. Please answer the following questions as elaborately as possible. (Remember, this part is only a requirement for your third to fifteenth character! However, if you want to have more input on where you character is sorted, then please answer #6!)

1) What would you consider to be your character's strengths, and your character's weaknesses? Elaborate on your answer.

Katja has strong morals and character. It's hard to beat her down. While she's scared of certain things and allergic to seafood, it's going to take a lot to tear her down. Another would be being devoted to spending whatever time she has left on the Earth and its inhabitants. However, on the flip side, she's a bit boy-obsessed yet also absolutely terrified by the idea of them and any sort of relationship. It's not androphobia (the intense fear of males), but instead Katja just has a little tick that makes it difficult for her to get close to them or to want to spend more time with them. Even if she enjoys flirting and playing around, she's terrified of what might come after that, because she's in belief that she's far too young for any of it. Perhaps that means moving on and hopping from friend to friend to keep herself from making anything more serious, but that doesn't matter anyways. Obviously, school needs to come first.

2) What goals and objectives has your character set out in their life? Is it to be successful and rich? Is it to find happiness? Why?

Katja wants to be married with children one day, but for right now she's just fifteen. It isn't important for her to go on and on about this in her head, because that's how you get ahead of yourself. Instead she'll just wonder about what she'll be in life, hopefully something she'll be successful at, but she's not actually all that sure of what she wants to do long term.

3) What's their ideal way of spending a free day? Why so?

It would be a busy, busy day for Katja. It would start by reading a few chapters of the novel she's going through, waking herself up for the day. After a quick orange juice and apple, she'll head off to volunteer for a morning shift at a food bank. Then, she would grab a sandwich from a local cafe and spend time taking care of weeds and trash in the parks around her. Afterwards, she would head to the nearby school for younger children and help the teacher with reading to them and aiding them in their quest to understand the vocabulary. Before going home, she'll visit her mother's grave and place the flowers upon it. Upon actually arriving back at her house alongside Liselotte, she'll help cook whatever is on the menu that day before sitting down to do some movie watching as they eat. It's a late night cup of tea and a few chapters of the book that wrap up her night or perhaps she'll bake some pastries to give to the neighbors. It's hard for her to take a day for herself. If she could (and this is after finishing all of her homework ahead of time), she would spend time perfecting her dancing or ironing her shirts and skirts to be absolutely flawless. Sometimes, she can't even call that enjoyable.

4) If your character could only keep 5 possessions, what would they be? Why?

Katja doesn't have very many objects of her own, besides clothes and her button collection. Technically, the buttons are dozens and dozens of individual objects. However, if you put them all in a jar, you can cheat and call it one. It's all she needs. It's almost like a stress reliever, looking through them and sorting them anytime she's trying not to panic.

5) What one thing would your character change about the wizarding society? Why?

Katja despises blood supremacy. Even though her family is supposedly Pure-Blooded, it never really stuck to her. It's odd how people could be so overly judgmental towards somebody over something they can't control. It's how she feels about racism and sexism, too, or homophobia and transphobia. It disturbs her to the core.

The Sorting Quiz

B. Select the option that best fits your character. (Remember, this part is a requirement for every character you make! Please bold the answers from an IC Point of View, and mark in italics the answers from the OOC Point of View.)

1) Which type of spell is most useful?

A. A Complex Spell
B. A Spell Of Control
C. A Combat Spell
D. A Healing Spell

2) What is most important to you?

A. Grades.
B. Getting your way.
C. Life.
D. Friends and family.

3) What would you do if a teacher caught you cheating?

A. I'm the person people cheat off of.
B. I wouldn't get caught; I'm too slick.
C. I would deny the accusation until the teacher gives up.
D. I would 'fess up, apologize, and accept the consequences.

4) What matters most to your character?

A. Wisdom
B. Reputation
C. Success
D. Friendship

5) What's the best way to get things done?

A. Putting together a qualified team and completing the task efficiently.
B. Trick someone else into doing the work for you.
C. Get some friends together and lead them in the task.
D. The right way, no matter how long it takes.

The Character's Background

1) Give a description of your character's personality. Are you noble or sneaky? Arrogant or Humble? Anything about your character that might help the Sorting Hat decide. (Don't worry, you can copy this onto your character page later!) (Remember, personality must be at least one paragraph long for the first two characters, two paragraphs long for the third to eighth characters, and three paragraphs long for the ninth to fifteenth!)

Katja is a sweetheart, blessed with an innocent and pure mind and body. A person of beauty and grace, it's as if she's a person descended from the heavens, if you will. While she's not particularly all that talented, unless wiggling your ears or collecting buttons counts, she's still worth getting to know for the fun of it. It's easy to tease or make fun of her, because she'll never fight back nor will she'll ever feel the need to. Actually, she's more often than not stuck in enough of her own world that she won't notice that they said anything at all.

A lot of her time is spent on working on something or anything, because there's too little time be wasting it. Whether it's planting flora, protecting fauna, practicing journalism, or helping those in hard times, she's always doing something. Her time is often spread among several different activities to make life seem more worth it. Katja hasn't ever spread herself too thin, nor doesn't it ever seem like she will, since she's dedicated to taking her time and doing it well. It's just that she'll never want to waste a second, always doing something or several things at once. It also might seem exhausting, but it isn't for her, so you'll never see her exhausted or frazzled. In fact, it always looks like she's perhaps a bit too put together, with a perfectly ironed out robes and tied up ponytails.

Her mother and half-sister have scared her off from many different parts of life, but sexual activity is deeply affected. While it seems that all of the other students around her are having their fun, it's a topic that has deeply scared her half to death her entire life. The concept of boys flirting with or teasing her is nice to think or fantasize about, because practically every male-attracted female is going to think about it at that age. However, she's closed off and extremely traditional in her ideals, but this also goes for all walks of life. Even if she can laugh and have fun, she's still definitely a girl with strong values, but she's still young and her opinions on issues can change with time.

As was said, she does enjoy the moment of living a little for herself and her favorite adventures are food or music festivals. Her button collecting is something special, too, since it's one of the few things she kept from the house in Ceadîr-Lunga. Her dancing skills are on point, knowing a variety of styles that she'll definitely be taking advantage of the Dance Hall for practice after her sister and professors begin urging her to take time for herself. Perhaps her time isn't necessarily spent in these times as much, since she is getting older, but they're still activities that are consuming her heart.

2) Write about the history of your character. How did they grow up? Is there an incident that made them the way they are? etc. (Again, you can copy this onto your character page later!) (Remember, history must at least be two paragraphs long for the first two characters, three paragraphs long for the third to eighth character, and four paragraphs long for the ninth to fifteenth character!)

In Ceadîr-Lunga, Moldova, a married Dutch wizard who vacationed in Moldova fell in love with an Albanian-Moldovan witch. After having sexual relations those few nights he was in Moldova, he returned to the Netherlands without a thought for the woman who he believed he had loved. When the woman discovered her pregnancy, she had once considered aborting it and leaving it all behind her. However, she decided to stick it through and attempted to contact the man she believed to be the father. It was through the response of another woman that she learned he was already married with a twelve year old daughter. It never became clear if he had read her letter or not, for she never received a message back, until he had visited Moldova nine months later. It was in that week, on her mother's forty-second week of pregnancy, that Katja Alyssa Kranz-Munteanu was born on October 6th, 2016. Her father briefly welcomed her into the world, before leaving her and her mother to be roaming alone in Ceadîr-Lunga.

It was only five years that the two spent alone as mother and daughter, before her father, freshly divorced, waltzed in and prepared to propose to her. Foolishly, her mother accepted and eloped with her beloved (no matter how much she hated him). Her parents mocked a relationship, only holding a physical attraction that he slowly stopped having towards her regardless. After two years, they were divorcing and he was fleeing back to the Netherlands, having decided that he actually didn't love her. While he hadn't bothered to file for custody at that moment, he married his first ex-wife again, who had grown impatient with them as their own daughter had turned seventeen and moved out. It was an odd, yet wonderful thing that her sister, Liselotte Kranz, would visit Moldova to spend time with her younger sister. When she got a surprise pregnancy by her boyfriend Kade Dane, she tried to find support in her half-sister's mother to help figure out what to do with the pregnancy.

It had been over those two years, where Liselotte and Kade (and their daughter Jaime for the fourteen months she was alive) were living in their home, that Katja bonded with her sister. From age six to eight, she had become very attached with her older half-sister, but she disappeared back to the Netherlands without notice after Jaime's passing. Occasionally, she would come back to Moldova to visit on holidays, because she had developed a poor relationship at home. It always confused the little girl, to the point of her throwing a tantrum that caused the Christmas gifts to levitate and slam back to the ground as Liselotte left early over Christmas. It made her a child full of meltdowns from withdrawals from her sister (primarily because her mother wasn't the most actively involved person in her life), until she had moved to live nearby in another Moldovan city that was more populated with work. When her mother didn't come home one day, she had to move in with her sister in Bălți, Moldova without acknowledgement from the law. It's also at that point that she was accepted into Beauxbatons that next September, where she was sorted in Papillonlisse.

It was later in the next year that her mother had been pronounced deceased without a body to count for it. Katja refused to settle for such nonsense, so she didn't let the officials stop looking for her mother. Even if she hadn't been the best one, she still was her blood and it was important that they found her. A few days before she were to start her third year, they found the body and they finally said that that was it. The Papillonlisse was then scheduled to miss the first couple weeks of school for the memorial and mourning, but she decided to come back only a few days late instead. It just didn't seem like something she wanted to spend so much time thinking about, so she just didn't. The next two years had been equally as preppy and mediocre grade-filled as her first two before them.

At some point, Liselotte got pregnant again, which both irritated and scared Katja further from the concept of love. They didn't stay together; he got full custody of her. It was terrifying, watching as her sister lost another child. Through her third and fourth years, Ludger had popped back up to take Liselotte to court for Katja, but at least her sister actually won over her father that time. When the summer after fourth began, she was told that they were going to be moving to London, England. At first, she believed it was just to get back with her ex-fiance Kade Dane, who she couldn't quite remember all that well anyways, but it slowly seemed more like trying to get away from her life in Moldova. When she had transferred into Hogwarts and was sorted, she was brilliantly placed into (...).

3) Write about your character's appearance. What do they look like? Are you planning on using a certain model for your character? If you already have a picture in mind, you can put it here!


4) Is your character a Pure-Blood, Half-Blood or Muggle-Born? Do you have any notable magical relations? (Remember, you cannot be related to important Harry Potter characters!)

Katja is a Pure-Blood.

5) Does your character have any special magical abilities? Or special abilities in general (photographic memory, etc.)? Is he or she of a different magical race, such as Veela, Vampire, Werewolf or the like? Part or half of that magical race counts! (Remember, you cannot have a character with special abilities/of a different magical race as one of your first two characters!)


6) What year is your character in?

Katja is in 5th.

OOC Questions

C. These do not affect what house you're sorted to, but everybody must answer them!

1) Is this your first character?

A. This is my first character.
B. No, this is not my first character.

2) If your answer to the previous question is B, how many characters do you have? How many of them are "exotic" (of a different magical race/have a special ability)?

Eight & One.

Hufflepuff crest

This character is a Hufflepuff!

Newestsigmig "You need me to survive. Which is why you're not letting me go." Migs
