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Forum: Index > Sorting > Minerva Macdonald

- Dr. Mrs. Hecate Grimm (Hex Me) ಥ_ಥ

The Sorting Quiz

A. Select the option that best fits your character. (Remember, this part is a requirement for every character you make! Please italicize the answer.)

1. What are you looking forward to learning at Hogwarts the most?

A. Transfiguration
B. Magical Creatures
C. Hexes & Jinxes
D. The castle's secret areas

2. Pick one:

A. Stars
B. Moon

3. If flowers adapted their scent to attract the unwary, what would it smell of in order to lure you in?

A. Parchment
B. Freshly baked bread
C. A crackling log fire
D. The Sea

4. Pick one:

A. Dawn
B. Dusk

5. Four boxes are placed before you. Which one do you open?

A. The ornate one, promising secret knowledge and unbearable temptation
B. The small, tortoiseshell box, embellished in gold, with a small, squeaking creature
C. The small, pewter box that reads "I only open for the worthy"
D. The gleaming black box marked with Merlin's rune

6. Pick one:

A. White
B. Black

7. What road tempts you the most?

A. The cobbled street lined with ancient buildings
B. The wide, sunny, grassy lane
C. The twisting, leaf-strewn path through woods
D. The narrow, dark, lantern-lit alley

8. Pick one:

A. Forest
B. River

9. What scares you most?

A. Speaking in such a silly voice, people will laugh at you and mock you
B. Waking up and realizing your family & friends don't know you
C. An eye at the keyhole of the dark, windowless room where you're locked
D. Standing on top of something high, without anything to stop you from falling

10. It's late, you're walking alone, and hear a peculiar cry you believe has a magical source. What do you do?

A. Wait for developments, while mentally reviewing the most appropriate spells
B. Draw your wand & stand your ground
C. Draw your wand & search for the source
D. Proceed with caution, keep a hand on the concealed wand, and keep an eye out

The Character's Background

Please Note: You can write either the first or second question in a bullet point form. However, please remember only one of them can be in that form. The other must be in full sentences and meet the required length.

1) Give a description of your character's personality. It must be at least seven sentences.

Mini is a kind, and gentle soul with a vivid imagination. She likes making jewelry for her friends and as gifts for random strangers. She is happy to sell them people have that much interest. She likes the way she feels when someone wants to pay for something she made. She usually ends up giving things away for free more excited about meeting new people than making money by selling her merchandise. She is very creative always trying to think of new and inventive ways to mix magic and technology for the modern and the conservative wizard. She is a tad gullible, and falls for tricks or pranks, and things of that nature easily. She is a bully's dream come true because she will not run crying to an adult. She will absorb what has happened, and keep it to herself. Mini has had more than a few traumatic experiences in her past that have affected her life. She has Ordinal-linguistic personification, OLP for short, a form of synesthesia. For her ordinal numbers, days, months and letters are associated with personalities and/or genders. Mini sees the letter Y as a large intimidating man with a deep voice, and an infectious laugh. She see the number 31 as a skinny woman with bright red lips, and habit of crying over the littlest things. It goes on, and on each letter and number different from the last. At times it complicates her life because certain numbers or letter cannot be placed too closely together because they do not get along. She spaces out her writing s o m e t h i n g l i k e t h i s to give each of them room to breath.

2) Write about the history of your character. How did they grow up? Is there an incident that made them the way they are? It must be at least two paragraphs long, seven sentences each.

Her parents worked inexhaustibly, they put forth a never-ending amount of hours worth of training into attaining one goal. Getting to the top of their respective field of choice. The effort require one sacrifice; leaving their pride and joy at the mercy of others. With her mother's powerful career came limitless wonderful perks. There were also drawbacks Mini was typically shielded from. Mini and her family lived in a nice house, they were abundantly wealthy, and adored publicly. When there was a scandal afoot, or any turn of events that negatively concerned the wizarding community in Liechtenstein, the backlash was often aimed at Sorcha, and her ICW compatriots. She received threats of death, as did Griogair. Not only that, the most vile of extremists threatened Mini as well. Working within the ICW had been a blessing, the position had given her mother, and her father an advantageous start to building a great life for their daughter, but at what cost? It was as if her mother's career was a curse on the family.

Mini's first use of magic occurred four years prior to their move. She murdered the intruder who broke into their home. It happened shortly after her father, Griogair, learned that her mother, Sorcha, had been unfaithful for the past nine years. At the time, that was the span of their marriage, and the entirety of their daughter's life. Sorcha ended her affair, the trouble was her partner Henrik Halberstam. He was not willing to end the relationship. He stalked Sorcha, coming to her home at all hours of the day. He left things; flowers, chocolates, lingerie. Griogair was not going to stand for it any longer. Eight year old Mini beat him to it, and Henrik tripped trying to escape from Griogair when Mini levitated her marbles onto the steps. She and her father, Griogair, left her mother a few months later. Her parents are still married, and she still saw her mother. They did not share a domicile. The threats stopped while they were separated, and Sorcha transferred to another position, leaving the ICW, and Liechtenstein, for the British Ministry.

After her parents separated Mini went into therapy. She was having nightmares after Henrik's death. Her father had no idea what to do, her mother suggest a specialist. During her sessions she was reporting a history of experiences related to a perceptual phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. Mini is a synesthete, synesthesia develops during childhood when children are intensively engaged with abstract concepts for the first time. It was discovered during her Kwikspell lessons, she only told her therapist about it. Eventually she told both her parents, accidentally describing how the letter F was a funny little girl who liked to play with unicorns and make odd noises. Or how the number 6 was serious woman who was interested in religion but also believed in UFOs. Sorcha thought Mini was only joking, then she began to believe Mini may have had dissociative disorder. Her fear was for not, Mini does not have a mental disorder she has a neurological condition.

3) Write about your character's appearance. What do they look like? Who are you planning on using a certain model for your character? Please include both model name and picture!

Minerva Macdonald

İlayda Akdoğan

Mini is a typical plain Jane. She has fair skin, a pale pink complexion, and naturally straight light brown hair that falls well past her shoulders. Mini's eyes are where her simple look ends. Her eyes are a sparkling grey broken up by little pockets of green all around the irises, and a hazel starburst pattern at the bottom of her pupil. Mini prefers to dress in casual comfortable muggle clothing. She loves sweaters, and blue jeans. She wears solid colors mostly, with an occasional "funky" pattern thrown in for variety. She does not dress up often, but when she does she tends to over do it because of her lack of experience, and she often feels overdressed when she gets to where she was going.

4) Is your character a Pure-Blood, Half-Blood or Muggle-Born? Do you have any notable magical relations? (Remember, you cannot be related to important characters from the Harry Potter Universe!)

Pure-Blood; descendant of Magnus "Dent-Head" MacDonald.

5) Does your character have any special abilities? Is he or she of a different magical race, such as Veela, Vampire, Werewolf or the like? Part or half of a magical race counts! (Remember, you cannot have a character with special abilities/of a different magical race as one of your first two characters!)

Not a special ability, more correctly a neurological condition. Ordinal-linguistic personification, OLP for short, a form of synesthesia.

6) What year is your character in?


7) The Sorting Hat has been known to take house preference into consideration. If your character could select one house they believe they are best suited for, what would it be and why?

She would ask the hat to place her in Ravenclaw or maybe Hufflepuff. She likes thinking about all the different personality types she was be exposed to by reading different books she borrows from her housemates in Ravenclaw. However She would be equally as happy in Hufflepuff building up a social circle of life long friends over vanilla chai tea and maple bacon cookies.

(OOC: Her user feels she would do spectacular in absolutely any house she was went to, Slytherin included. Sorter's choice is fine by me.)

OOC Questions

1) Is this your first character?

A. This is my first character.
B. No, this is not my first character.

2) If your answer to the previous question is B, which of your characters are "exotic"? If you do have exotic characters, please list both the name and the type of exotic. Remember you are only allowed two of each type. Remember, if you have been in DARP for under a month, you are only allowed to have two non-exotic characters.

I have 3 active characters and 2 exotic characters; a Wood Nymph and a Half-Veela.


Ravenclaw crest The Sorting Hat has placed Minerva Macdonald into Ravenclaw!

"Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
If you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind."

TimeSigBeen through some bad shit, I should be a savage, who woulda thought it'd turn me to a sad bitch? TimeSig
