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Forum: Index > Sorting > Romeo de' Medici
MoniqueBrownCow Oli I saw it and I was like, oh! Brown Cow! Stunning! Special:EditCount/EvilhariboMadness

The Sorting Quiz

A. Select the option that best fits your character. (Remember, this part is a requirement for every character you make! Please italicize the answer.)

1. What are you looking forward to learning at Hogwarts the most?

A. Transfiguration
B. Magical Creatures
C. Hexes & Jinxes
D. The castle's secret areas

2. Pick one:

A. Stars
B. Moon

3. If flowers adapted their scent to attract the unwary, what would it smell of in order to lure you in?

A. Parchment
B. Freshly baked bread
C. A crackling log fire
D. The Sea

4. Pick one:

A. Dawn
B. Dusk

5. Four boxes are placed before you. Which one do you open?

A. The ornate one, promising secret knowledge and unbearable temptation
B. The small, tortoiseshell box, embellished in gold, with a small, squeaking creature
C. The small, pewter box that reads "I only open for the worthy"
D. The gleaming black box marked with Merlin's rune

6. Pick one:

A. White
B. Black

7. What road tempts you the most?

A. The cobbled street lined with ancient buildings
B. The wide, sunny, grassy lane
C. The twisting, leaf-strewn path through woods
D. The narrow, dark, lantern-lit alley

8. Pick one:

A. Forest
B. River

9. What scares you most?

A. Speaking in such a silly voice, people will laugh at you and mock you
B. Waking up and realizing your family & friends don't know you
C. An eye at the keyhole of the dark, windowless room where you're locked
D. Standing on top of something high, without anything to stop you from falling

10. It's late, you're walking alone, and hear a peculiar cry you believe has a magical source. What do you do?

A. Wait for developments, while mentally reviewing the most appropriate spells
B. Draw your wand & stand your ground
C. Draw your wand & search for the source
D. Proceed with caution, keep a hand on the concealed wand, and keep an eye out

The Character's Background

Please Note: You can write either the first or second question in a bullet point form. However, please remember only one of them can be in that form. The other must be in full sentences and meet the required length.

1) Give a description of your character's personality. It must be at least seven sentences.

Romeo is, for the most part, a very happy-go-lucky guy. He enjoys making the most out of whatever he does and always tries to chase his dreams, making him an ambitious individual. Known for very spur of the moment decisions, Romeo has a sense of charismatic unpredictability to him that makes being around him fun and nothing short of interesting. To hypothesise what Romeo de' Medici will do is a lost cause and one that isn't worth the energy. Although dumbass extraordinaire and himbo may be apt ways to describe Romeo, he actually possesses a decent amount of brainpower. Shocking, but true. Multilingual due to his background, Romeo has nursed a thirst for knowledge that he likes to think sets him apart from other guys who do stupid stuff; at least Romeo knows some of the dangers he'd be getting himself into. Perhaps to complicate his wild child ways, Romeo is very practical and logical. He doesn't like hypothesising about things and largely bases what he does, says and thinks on things that are tangible and have been proven to him. It's due to this that he very rarely over thinks and gets massively worried about something, instead taking things as they come. Romeo has a rather dry sense of humour, preferring sarcasm to witty remarks. Perhaps it's indicitive of his simple nature, but Romeo's humour aims to make people laugh and then move on.

A thing that is very evident about Romeo - even more so when you get him onto the conversation about his father - is how unforgiving he can be. Though known to give people quite a few chances, Romeo is harsh when it comes to betraying his trust multiple times. He finds it incredibly easy to cut people out of his life and, if he feels very strongly that someone has wronged him greatly, he can disconnect them in the span of an hour. Stubborn, it takes a lot to make Romeo relent on grudges he forms and to rekindle lost friendships. If he was, per chance, to return to someone he cut off and admit he was wrong then said individual can assume they mean a lot to him.

2) Write about the history of your character. How did they grow up? Is there an incident that made them the way they are? It must be at least two paragraphs long, seven sentences each.

Catherine De Medici was the true ruler of France, despite which of her sons was on the throne at any given time. Mercutio's and Romeo's branch descended from her daughter Margaret. Margaret, like her brother Francis, became one of Catherine's most rebellious children. A lover of men, Margaret took many lovers throughout her life, before and after marriage, much to the chagrin of her mother. Margaret had to be beaten in order for her to agree to marry Henry of Navarre, but that did not stop her relations to men outside of her marriage. One of her lovers ended up being a wizard. A lower courtier in the French court, he and Margaret slowly and surely fell in love. The courtier had been exiled from the maical side of the world so he made his home in the muggle world. This affair eventually resulted in a child. However, Catherine eventually found out about her affair and the secret love child. This was one of the reasons why Margaret was locked away in the castle for eighteen years. For her flings and her meddling in politics. In the castle, Margaret gave birth to her only child, a son, named Francis. To protect him, he was smuggled into Italy in order to keep him away from the dangers that plagued the Medici family. Francis was raised away from his heritage, brought up by a poor family, only knowing who his mother was by name. He was content, though, with the small life that he had with is adopted family and had no interest in returning to the royal life. Eventually, Francis entered the magical world and immersed himself into it, despite having muggle blood inside of him-he made do with what he had.

It was through Francis's children that this branch of the family found wealth. It wasn't anything impressive-they simply won a lottery and was given a fortune without any work needed. However, the rumour plagued them as the family began to claim their heritage that their wealth came from the Medici fortune (if that was even a thing). It was Margaret's great grand son that claimed the Medici surname officially, changing his name legally. The Medici family continued to stay in Italy, growing their own wealth and fame over the generations. It was through Joseph de Medici that they found themselves in the United Kingdom. He elected to go to Hogwarts, having been won over by a gardener who had attended Hogwarts in his own youth. It was here that he met Lady Mary Boleyn. This branch of the Boleyn family had been plagued by the game of Russian Roulette with blood malediction. This branch of the Boleyn family had come into contact with a particular branch of the Black family. Now, one doesn't really remember why it happened-perhaps an argument on whether the sacred 28 families should also hold titles such as Lord and Lady. Or maybe this particular Black was feeling rather vindictive. But it ended up with this Boleyn branch being cursed with blood malediction. Fortunately, it never popped up until Mary, sparing her sister Hera. Whilst she had a normal childhood, it was when she entered Hogwarts did she feel her body turn against her. She was on her way to become a terrifying beast. It was here that she met Joseph. The relationship was never meant to last-everyone suspected they wouldn't last graduation. But on the eve of exams, Mary came to find out she was pregnant. Despite Joseph wanting to terminate the pregnancy, Mary insisted on having the baby. Or, when she gave birth, babies. Joseph didn't do anything to help her with the children and disappeared a few months after they were born.

Thus, Mary was left to raise her own kids, knowing her time with them would be limited. Her own parents helped Mary as best they could with Romeo and Mercutio. They were given Joseph's surname, de Medici, and they had a relatively peaceful childhood, albeit with the looming shadow of their mother's transforming body. They had a joint magical incident at the age of eight. It was the first time they had gotten recognition from their father (who apparently had moved back to Italy) and they received one birthday card from him. Seeing as they lived in their grandparents house (having moved in when they passed away), it wasn't hard for Joseph Brent to find their address. Romeo, reading the letter, became so infuriated that he set it on fire before Mercutio could even read it for himself. Mary was in the kitchen cooking their birthday breakfast (pancakes and waffles and as much maple syrup as they want) so she couldn't be aware of what was happening. However, as the fire caught onto the curtains, it disappeared as soon as it came, Mercutio's own magical abilities kicking in. When Mary walked back in with their food, her favourite curtain was now black with a pile of ashes on the ground.

Lady Mary Boleyn completed her transformation when they were ten years old. With no other family to take them, Mary contacted Joseph to take them in. In truth, she'd been in contact with him for nearly a year, begging to try and make him reconsider his choice. When she woke up one morning, only a sliver of her humanity left, she knew it was time. With Joseph sitting in the back, Mary de Medici sat on her front porch with her two sons and watched her final sunrise. They had breakfast together and then they drove to a forest. Romeo and Mercutio watched Mary walk into the forest outside the car whilst Joseph sat inside waiting. And just like that, it was over. Mary was gone. Joseph had no intention of moving to the UK for two ten year olds, so he uprooted them both and took them to Italy, reasoning that maybe a new location would make it easier for the both of them. Instead, it put them in a situation where they were trying to learn both French and Italian as Beauxbaton's loomed closer and closer. For the next six years, they attended Beauxbatons, slowly getting use to the new world and languages, becoming moderately fluent in both French and Italian. Whilst Joseph had been a dead beat dad for so long, he began to try and do better when he began to get to know his children better. Whilst it wasn't an easy journey, Mercutio, at least, had moved on from his initial resentment that he had against his dad.

During their fifth year, Mercutio and Romeo decided to return to the UK. Why? Because they wanted a change in pace. They heard stories about Hogwarts from their mum and dad and wanted to give it a shot on their own. They enrolled after they did the equivalent of OWLs and returned summer before sixth year. During this summer, they drove to the spot where they left their mum all those years ago. They found her on the side of the road as roadkill. Unbeknown to them, she'd accidentally been hit by a certain member of the Black family. They did an impromptu funeral, burying her at the side of the road, before returning home. A few months later, they were at Hogwarts and sorted into x house where they have remained ever since.

3) Write about your character's appearance. What do they look like? Are you planning on using a certain model for your character? Please include both model name and picture!

Romeo DM Header

4) Is your character a Pure-Blood, Half-Blood or Muggle-Born? Do you have any notable magical relations? (Remember, you cannot be related to important characters from the Harry Potter Universe!)

Pure-blood; twin brother to Mercutio de Medici.

5) Does your character have any special abilities? Is he or she of a different magical race, such as Veela, Vampire, Werewolf or the like? Part or half of a magical race counts! (Remember, you cannot have a character with special abilities/of a different magical race as one of your first two characters!)


6) What year is your character in?

Seventh year.

7) The Sorting Hat has been known to take house preference into consideration. If your character could select one house they believe they are best suited for, what would it be and why?

Romeo has no preference; he can see how he'd be a part of any house.

OOC Questions

1) Is this your first character?

A. This is my first character.
B. No, this is not my first character.

2) If your answer to the previous question is B, how many characters do you have? How many of them are "exotic"? If you do have exotic characters, please list both the name and the type of exotic. Remember you are only allowed one of each type with the exception of nymphs.

23/3 [ Harrison Jeom / Half-Dark Nymph, Reagan Trelawney / Seer & Magnus Tonnesen / Half-Veela ]


Hufflepuff crest The Sorting Hat has placed Romeo de' Medici into Hufflepuff!

"You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true,
And unafraid of toil."

