Dumbledore's Army Role-Play Wiki
Dumbledore's Army Role-Play Wiki

Hogwarts Library

The Library is an endless sea of knowledge from books of ancient days long ago. The abandance of books seem overwhelming, but after asking the libraian for help you will find yourself sitting at a table eagerly studying and absorbing all the knowledge at your fingertips.

third floor



Aria age 18-3
Aria Joy Prince - Graduated Gryffindor - Herbology Professor
Send Me an Owl! - 18:33, August 5, 2019 (UTC)
She'd put up notices about the study group inviting anyone fourth year or below to come to the weekly session and get help studying or completing their homework.

Matthieu and Cas



Cassian Faucheleventhopeless romantic • hogwarts librarian

「 Age 」
twenty four
「 Species 」
pureblood wizard
「 Occupation 」
librarian; novelist
「 Relationship 」

Cassian had been walking around the Library the entire morning, followed by a flying stack of books made possible by the levitation charm. He was so caught up with all the re-sorting and re-arranging he had to do that he hadn't noticed Matthieu walking into the room at all. When he finally did, his soft brown doe eyes widened in surprise that his concentration broke and stack of books behind him collectively fell into the ground. "Oh, shoot!" He yelped in a high pitch, immediately recasting the charm and placed them on a neat stack by the side of a shelf. He'd deal with them later. For now, he has more important matters to attend to.

Patting his librarian's apron clean from the dust it collected, Cassian strode into the front reception where Matthieu was at.... with a box on his hands. Ooh, those must be cupcakes, he thought. "Hey hotstuff, what are you doing here?" he said in greeting, giving the other man a smile. "Oh and I'm sorry you had to see that back there," he gestured to where he was with his hands, referring to the look of surprise on his face when he first saw him followed by the 'falling books' incident. "You kind surprised me."

Message Me • 05:47, August 5, 2019 (UTC)



Cassian Faucheleventhopeless romantic • hogwarts librarian

「 Age 」
twenty four
「 Species 」
pureblood wizard
「 Occupation 」
librarian; novelist
「 Relationship 」

”I mean it’s true,” Cassian said with a cheeky smile, referring to the hotstuff comment. “And well, consider your plan a success; this was a pleasant surprise.” Cassian felt his heartbeat speed up lightly, finding Matthieu’s actions endearing. Thoughts of “Does he finally like me back?” flashed through his mind momentarily, but he quickly tampered ‘em down. He felt like he was reading too much into it — this was just Matthieu being a good friend. “Oooh are those cupcakes?” He asked with a grin when he noticed the box.

Message Me • 09:45, August 19, 2019 (UTC)



Cassian Faucheleventhopeless romantic • hogwarts librarian

「 Age 」
twenty four
「 Species 」
pureblood wizard
「 Occupation 」
librarian; novelist
「 Relationship 」

"Oh, nonsense!" He said with a playful snort before reaching into the box to get a strawberry flavored one. "I'm sure I'll like them all." With that, he took a bite into the cupcake and immediately had a blissful look on his face. "Wow, this is amazing," he said, licking his lips to get all the extra frosting. "This is legit man, you're the best baker-slash-pastry chef I know," he praised Matthieu, a huge grin on his face.

Message Me • 10:55, August 21, 2019 (UTC)



Cassian Faucheleventhopeless romantic • hogwarts librarian

「 Age 」
twenty four
「 Species 」
pureblood wizard
「 Occupation 」
librarian; novelist
「 Relationship 」

He tilted his head and looked intently at Matthieu, a bit surprised to know that he wasn't the one who made the cupcakes, and also embarrassed that he's been praising him about it. "Oh. Well, I mean, it's still your shop, so don't worry, you still get points," he replied, a smile reappearing on his face. "Anyway, what brought you here? You missed me, didn't you?" he said teasingly.

Message Me • 11:00, August 21, 2019 (UTC)



Cassian Faucheleventhopeless romantic • hogwarts librarian

「 Age 」
twenty four
「 Species 」
pureblood wizard
「 Occupation 」
librarian; novelist
「 Relationship 」

Cassian preened internally at the thought of Matthieu missing him, but he managed to keep his cool just fine. "I mean, I have dayoffs during the weekends, and if you're free, we can always meetup in Lincliff, or I can go down to Diagon Alley to see you," Cassian suggested. He felt endeared to Matthieu, when the latter announced that he didn't think it was fair for him to leave for Scotland when they had just started talking to each other again. Cassian thought it was sweet, and he felt good about himself, and their relationship moving forward. "Oh and don't worry about that, I'll make sure to talk to Professor Chevalier and get you an unlimited pass inside Hogwarts. You'll always be welcome here if you want to visit."

Message Me • 11:19, August 21, 2019 (UTC)



Cassian Faucheleventhopeless romantic • hogwarts librarian

「 Age 」
twenty four
「 Species 」
pureblood wizard
「 Occupation 」
librarian; novelist
「 Relationship 」

Cassian let out a light laugh, trying to visualise how Matthieu would've looked like a lost puppy in the midst of Hogwarts' iconic moving stairs. "I bet you looked really cute, though," he pointed out with a genuine smile, ready to observe what the other man's reaction would be to his compliment.

Message Me • 05:42, August 23, 2019 (UTC)



Cassian Faucheleventhopeless romantic • hogwarts librarian

「 Age 」
twenty four
「 Species 」
pureblood wizard
「 Occupation 」
librarian; novelist
「 Relationship 」

"Oooh, maybe some of them has a crush on you," he pointed out with a teasing grin, before laughing and letting it go. "I'm just kidding, I was just trying to catch you in a blush....and I did. You look cute."

Message Me • 10:21, August 23, 2019 (UTC)
