Dumbledore's Army Role-Play Wiki
Dumbledore's Army Role-Play Wiki
Dumbledore's Army Role-Play Wiki
This is Alistair Fitzgerald's office, the CEO of the company. However, during opening hours, he's more often found in the studios or the meeting rooms than in here, though there are some hours in the day where he's situated behind the desk.



  • Archive 1
  • Archive 2
  • Archive 3


Alistair and Ilyana[]

● dead girl walking ●
She's shaking, but it's time. It's. Time. Ilyana knocks as firmly as she can before opening the door slightly and poking her head in. "Mr Fitzgerald? I'm sorry for interrupting, but there's something I'd like to speak to you about. Can I come in?"
rped by didi ● 13:00, May 12, 2019 (UTC)


Alistair FitzgeraldMinister of Magic • Make Magic Safe Again

「 Age 」
Forty nine
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
「 Relationship 」

It had been a long time since he had been in this office. Most of his time was spent in the ministry now. LBC was arguably slowing down and it was frustrating Alistair. He'd been stubborn enough to retain the company when he became the minister, believing he'd be able to manage both and keep his company afloat. With the elections happening, he was finding himself beginning to turn his eyes back onto his origins. Now, he was sitting behind his desk. It was smaller than what he remembered. He must have gotten use to his larger office in the ministry. Looking up, he blinked at Ilyana before nodding his head. "Yes, yes, come in, Ms..." he trailed off. He'd forgotten her name.

Message Me • {{{2}}}

● dead girl walking ●
She comes in, her legs still trembling slightly. "Vinogradova. Ilyana Vinogradova." сука блять, she sounded like Bond. "In fact, I didn't expect you to remember me, but maybe - not likely, but maybe - you remember someone else. My mother? Nadia Vinogradova? You met her at a restaurant in Lincliff 20 years ago." She gulps and winces at how thick her accent is right now. Why does it have to come out every fucking time she's nervous?
rped by didi ● 19:29, May 19, 2019 (UTC)


Alistair FitzgeraldMinister of Magic • Make Magic Safe Again

「 Age 」
Forty nine
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
「 Relationship 」

Alistair stared at her over his papers, peering up at her over his spectacles. "Did I?" He asked, before tossing the papers onto the desk. "I don't really recall the name," he said. "Was she important? Russian, it sounds like." Alistair had only been to Russia once or twice. "Violent little country, isn't it?" He asked, scratching his jawline, "cold too. Not much fan of the cold. But then again, can't complain in this country. England isn't known for its hot weather either. Nothing compared too Russia, though. Suppose that's why they're all alcoholics. Only way to deal with the damn weather."

Message Me • {{{2}}}

● dead girl walking ●
She clenches her fists. Her fear suddenly shrinks. The inside of her chest now feels... cold somehow. "Well," she says with a newly found sternness in her voice, "I suppose it didn't bother you that all Russians are alcoholics when you fucked her and got her pregnant." She didn't want to deliver this news as harshly as she did, but those comments really pissed her off.
rped by didi ● 19:24, June 4, 2019 (UTC)

Alistair FitzgeraldMinister of Magic • Make Magic Safe Again

「 Age 」
Forty nine
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
「 Relationship 」

If it wasn't in that context, Alistair would have told her off for talking too him like that. Who did think she was? He was all for woman speaking up and what not but there was still basic consideration. Clearly, the alcoholic didn't raise her right. Maybe he was lucky he didn't stick around for her (Alistair realised what this was about in a second), she didn't seem that worth it if that's the way she acted. "Ah," he said, picking up the newspaper on the desk and flicking it open, "so you're here for birthright. Money, I presume?"

Message Me • {{{2}}}
