Personal Information
Full NameMelaena Svetlana Vasilyeva
BirthdayJuly 13th
AgeTwenty Six
Zodiac SignCancer
Sex / GenderFemale / Female
Sexual OrientationPansexual
Romantic OrientationPanromantic
Relationship StatusSingle
BirthplaceOymyakon, Russia
Living SituationAzkaban Prison
Languages SpokenEnglish and Russian
Magical Information
Blood StatusPure-Blood
Wand WoodAcacia
Wand CoreThestral Tail hair
Wand LengthN/A
PatronusSiberian Tiger
True to her nature as a prolific killer, Melaena Vasilyeva is ruthless and utterly lacking of remorse for any soul. She does not care about muggles, animals, magical creatures, half-breeds and magical beings. Everything and everyone is a pawn to her and can be easily manipulated to doing her bidding. She may have once held some standard of feigned morals when her parents were alive but that was shattered the day they tried to kill her. She now exhibits a foulness in the face of familial bonds and loved ones alike. Having killed her own infant brother and parents, Melaena will stop at nothing to attain more power while quenching her thirst for death. She believes herself as some sort of Reaper but continues to portray a certain artistic aspect to how she leaves her victims. With little regard for life, Melaena is often described as competitive, volatile, unpredictable and incrediably violent. Her rage is white-hot and entirely impulsive.
Like a flame that draws moths, Melaena can be a master seductress with an edge for malevolence and lust and tends to embody the concept of femme fatale wholeheartedly. Due to her seclusion as a child and lack of connections as she developed into a young woman, Mel really doesn't trust anyone and likely never will. Instead of throwing people off, she's quite the little actress when it comes to feigning emotions - having spent a lot of her time just watching people and their interactions. Having never felt love or friendship, she often sees such things as trivial distractions whereas promotes intimacy with no strings attached. With a cunning mind and unfathomable intelligence, Melaena is the poster child for complex psychopaths everywhere and she often believes humans should be honored to survive their encounters with her. Just pray you'll never encounter her and you retain a fifty fifty chance of not dying before your time.
Melaena Vasilyeva was born into an incrediably unforgiving icy hell, located in a rural little section of the Oymyakonsky District in Russia. She was raised in one of the coldest inhabited spots on Earth for the first six years of her life before her parents chose to come out of hiding. The monsters who brought Melaena into the world were Anatoly and Natalia Vasilyev, prolific and highly wanted criminals in both Russia and Germany for their countless string of felonies and murders and ancestory that marks Anatoly and Melaena as descendants of Vlad the Impaler (1428-1478). Oymyakon was the smartest place to hide while they gave birth to their daughter but the cold threatened to steal their baby more than a few times. The year that they chose to leave Oymyakon was the year that their second child and daughter, Anastasiya, a mere infant drown in the river and froze beneath the ice after a fifteen year old Melaena took her there to "show him the fish". Neither parent blamed the young girl for the death of her sister, having convinced themselves she was not capable of such acts. There was a darkness that lurked beneath her adorable brown eyes and full lashes - one could say she was akin to a creature born of a strong love potion with the incapacity to love and feel remorse but that tidbit of information stayed between Anatoly and Natalia. The secret of their arranged marriage and forced love never left their lips.
The Vasilyev family found refuge in Romania and purchased a chateau in the countryside so they could remain under the radar. Just as soon as Melaena was old enough to be left alone, Anatoly and Natalia went back to old habits and begun wreaking havoc on Brașov with piles of bodies left in their wake. They were gone so often that Melaena's psycopathic tendancies were overlooked, including the very moment her magical abilities surfaced. It was Anatoly who eventually discovered her violent predispositions when he discovered the carcasses of his entire livestock and a blood soaked sixteen year old Mel. In a feeble attempt to satisfy Melaena's thirst for more, her parents begun to involve her in their world without realizing that she could easily surpass their rap sheet with her own deadly one. She was fourteen years old when she discovered that her ancestory linked her back to Vlad the Impaler (1428-1477), courtesy of the geneology records Anatoly kept in a lockbox under his bed and suddenly her entire life made sense; they were a cruel and vile breed of magical folk that festered violence in their blood and no amount of prayer could vanquish the Vasilyev family of their sins. In Melaena eyes, this was their destiny. Her desire to destroy life was built into her soul and was the entire purpose of her existance, even drawing her as far as to see beauty in the destruction she caused.
Melaena never attended a magical school and instead learned all her magic through both parents and some powerful, magical pillars of the commumity. She was moreso drawn to the Dark Arts and spells of immense power and adopted a dark arts master as her mentor. Her intellect and violence started to scare even her own parents by the time she was seventeen years old when they finally learned that she was not a force to reckon with and borderline uncontrollable. As a last ditch attempt to rid the world of Melaena's destruction, Anatoly the mastermind and Natalia ganged up on their daughter as she soundly slept in her bed but was met with the surprise of Transmogrifian Torture at the hands of a very angry Melaena. She tortured them for hours before using an entrail-extracting curse on her father as Natalia watched in horror until the torture curse eventually claimed her life as well. Unburdened by bothersome guardians, Melaena begun to explore methods of murder and eventually developed her own signature and design to leave the police and investigators. They became her works of art over the years, perfected and refined in a grutesque display of pride and confidence and unlike anything modern day Romania had ever seen.
Like most things, the areas she frequented became bland and unsavory until she got the idea to travel to the Wizarding Quarter in London. By twenty years old, Melaena had racked up a sickening rap sheet and rather lengthy list of victims. She felt a gnawing hunger to recommit and satisfy her thrist for both the power over death and squashing a life beneath her hands, which only grew worse over time. Her reign came to an end not long after getting to London, when she became notorious for slaughtering a slew of ministry officials and specifically curating a vendetta toward hitwizards and aurors alike. She was captured by law enforcement and sent to rot in Azkaban prison in hopes that she would never hurt another person again. That was a lot to ask, of course and even inmates at Azkaban eventually fell by her hand. After three long years of having the life literally sucked from her, Melaena eventually escaped Azkaban and reconviened with some fellow criminals in London. Now free of dementor influence, Melaena has a bone to pick with the magical population and if she is going to go down - her plan is to take as many down with her as she can while simultaneously quencing her psychopathic tendencies.
Face ClaimKylie Jenner
Eye ColourBrown
Hair ColourBlack, White or Various Colors
Voice TypeSoft
Blood TypeCurvy
Distinguishing MarksN/A
Body Style
ScentBlood and Fear
Family Information
FatherAnatoly Vasilyev (deceased)
MotherNatalie Vailyeva (deceased)
Full SiblingsVictor Vasilyev (deceased)
Half SiblingsN/A
Other RelativesVlad the Impaler (ancestor)
Significant Other(s)N/A
Best Friend(s)N/A
Name Etymology
Given [ ]
Middle [ ]
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Favourite Colour
Favourite MovieN/A
Favourite SongN/A
Favourite FoodN/A
Favourite Drink
First Kiss
First Crush
First LoveN/A
First TimeN/A
Sports PlayedN/A
Instruments Played
Biggest Hope
Biggest Regret
Best Memories
Worst Memories
Mental IllnessesN/A
Criminal RecordN/A
Medical RecordN/A
Custom Trivia