Dumbledore's Army Role-Play Wiki
Dumbledore's Army Role-Play Wiki
Block D


This is the fourth block within the precinct.

Lincliff City Locations

Alcoholics Anonymous · Alohomora Entertainment Building · Basilton Boutique · Bishop Hotel · Bluebird Candy Co. · Bubble Tea Station · Clover Bakery · Colovaria · Concordia and Plunkett Musical Instruments · Different Strokes · Periculum Park · Dr. Filibuster's Fireworks · Dervish and Banges · Espresso Yourself · Floo Market · Harkness Legal Practice · Hopscotch Toy Shop · Imperial Theatre · Jellied Eel Shop · Jolies Fleur · Juicebox · Kookie Cat Cafe · Kwikspell Tutoring · Lincliff City · Lincliff City/Downtown · Lincliff Harbour · Lincliff Square · Lincliff City Park · Linwood · Love Letters · Lumos Broadcasting Center· Lupin Boulevard· Minerva Publishing House Lincliff Branch · Nine Galaxy Cluster · Oodle Noodle · Optical Office Supply Co. · Outdoor Cinema · Periculum Park · Point Zero · Popeye the Sailing Ship · PowerPlayer Games · Red Flags Arena · Ryu Better Work · Sally's Restaurant · Schneidermeister's Brewery · Silencio Records · Snow Rabbits Bath Potions · Spellbook Café · St. Mungo's Clinic · The Aumberden Planetarium · The Human Canvas · The Pink Gentleman · The Potion Room · The Seeker's Stop · The Vintage Jukebox · Tuesday's Thrift Store · Vixen Studios · Weeoanwhisker's Barber Shop · Wizarding Wireless Network · WizCo Building · Yoosnacks


  • Archive 1
  • Archive 2


Gus and Scarlett[]


Augustus GabrielSlytherin Alumni / Werewolf

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
「 Relationship 」

Gus had made home in Block D apart of The Precinct. Conditions were much worse than they were two years ago, when he lived inside the walls once before very, very briefly. It was crowded all the time and filled with more people than it should hold. There was also the struggle of being able to leave, and trying to get permits. As every day passed, the harder it seemed to receive one. Work only, at this point. Gus's work shift hadn't started yet, and there wasn't really any other way he supposedly could get an excuse to leave, so he was stuck. Suppose the werewolf could try and lie, but it wasn't worth the risk. Well, he wasn't in the mood to risk it today. If he were to make a list, there was only one thing he could say positive of The Precinct. The people living inside were all going through the same struggle and there were a lot of people willing to look out for others. Help them if they needed. Gus stood outside in the late afternoon, trying to at least have some fresh air. He avoided being inside the cramped room he shared as much as possible. At least his roommate wasn't all too bad, Scarlett. She was a journalist, and kept in touch with all current events going on. She was a good roommate to have if you wanted to know about all that may have been missed while being locked up for a good portion of the day.

Message Me • 06:16, March 26, 2019 (UTC)

Webp.net-resizeimage (2)

Princess ScarlettFoodaholic • Big Mouthed • A Fake Greek

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
「 Relationship 」

It was just after her trip with Charlie and Scarlett had been dreading her return to the precinct. It was as if her soul was drained out of her the moment she entered the gates. It had been a good few days but they felt a century away already. Back to the slug of the precinct. If only someone could just...oh, she didn't know. Shoot the minister. Lugging her suitcase back to her block, she blinked when she saw her roommate...whose name is...Gus. Gus. That's his name. Gus. Anyway, he was standing outside as she came up. "Hey, loser," Scarlett said, "what you doing out here?" Scarlett hated the outside more than she hated being in the apartments. It was so overcrowded now that those who had tried to run, or avoid this place, were left on the streets with the apartments filled to the brim. Homelessness was strife and you could barely move freely through the streets.

Message Me • {{{2}}}


Augustus GabrielSlytherin Alumni / Werewolf

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
「 Relationship 」

Head turning up at the familiar voice, it was a slight surprise to see Scarlett standing in front of him, despite the two living together. He hadn't seen her for a few days, leaving the werewolf curious but not enough that he pestered about it too much. Honestly, a small part wondered if she had escaped and went off somewhere. Well, more so hoped for her benefit. People were still shocked at Gus every time he mentioned coming back. He didn't want to really think about it. Any of it. His mood wasn't in the best of sorts as of finding out recently Freddie was gone. Yeah, he's finally back and then Freddie leaves right after. What makes it even worse? He moved to America. America. Yes, where Gus had just come back from. Oh well. Suppose it was just never mean't to be. Not like he thought there was possibly going to be anything in the end, but, well, Gus didn't know. He just didn't think of it. "Getting some fresh air," he says, but quickly adds on, "or, well, as much fresh air as you can get out here." His tone has a slight bit of humour with it, though none of what he said was a lie... or even dramatic. "Where'd you go off to? And why'd you come back?"

Message Me • 05:31, March 29, 2019 (UTC)

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Princess ScarlettFoodaholic • Big Mouthed • A Fake Greek

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
「 Relationship 」

Scarlett snickered at the idea of either of them getting fresh air down here. Scarlett found the best place for that was the roof, which was easily accessible through their window. Of course, it risked falling but god it was worth it. "Hawaii," she responded, honestly. What point was there too lying? Scarlett hesitated at the second question before shrugging. "I came back for–" Charlotte. "–the people." Scarlett didn't want to say Charlotte's name. Scarlett didn't like spreading around that she was dating the princess. She respected her–their–privacy. Plus, she was already scared about the public reacting to her that why would she start the rumours herself? Thankfully, she'd managed to keep her relationship quiet by convincing her boss not to publish anything in Witch Weekly or the Daily prophet, but she knew that wouldn't hold for long. "I couldn't run away like that."

Message Me • {{{2}}}


Augustus GabrielSlytherin Alumni / Werewolf

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
「 Relationship 」

"Hawaii? Was it fun?" Hawaii sounded great. Expensive, though, that's for sure. "Better than I would of been," he replies to her mentioning coming back for the people. Gus had left. Though, like Scarlett, he came back. Two years later and surely not for the people—not all the people at least—but that was besides the point. At moments like these, he wished he had stayed in America, as selfish as it may sound. Reminding himself of his step-sister and that it'll be better once all of this is done is what pulls him back, trying to make some pro's with the decision he made.

Message Me • 02:18, April 3, 2019 (UTC)

Webp.net-resizeimage (2)

Princess ScarlettFoodaholic • Big Mouthed • A Fake Greek

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
「 Relationship 」

"It was. It was really fun." She confirmed. God, what Scarlett would do to go back there. The hot weather. Weather that was so much better for Scarlett and her fire nymph blood. England's weather made her depressed. "Yeah, well, no one came blame you for running. In fact, I'd imagine people would think I'm mad to have come back." Mad with love (or infatuation, whatever), Scarlett supposed.

Message Me • {{{2}}}

Val and Wolfie[]

Wolfie WB

Wolfie StoneSlytherin Alumnus • WereWolf • Father

「 Age 」
27 y/o
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
「 Relationship 」

02:17, October 23, 2018 (UTC)

Message Me • Wolfie looks off pensively, shiny little badge pinned to his black t shirt. He's sitting on the steps that lead up to the room he lives in now- the one in block d. Soon, he'll have to go off to work, but the badge won't let him forget the current state of the country. There's an irony to how he has to police his own kind.

Singer/Songwriter • Petite Diable • Single• 19 Years Old
Valerie Knight
Val steps out of her room, shutting the door behind her as she glances up from her book. Then, she looks to Wolfie. She takes a moment to consider, and decides to finally say something. "Having trouble there, Badge?"
02:22, October 23, 2018 (UTC) Message Me!

Wolfie WB

Wolfie StoneSlytherin Alumnus • WereWolf • Father

「 Age 」
27 y/o
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
「 Relationship 」

02:33, October 23, 2018 (UTC)

Message Me • The voice sounds familiar, but he can't place it. Turning his head, he sees Val, one of his former Quidditch mates. Out of all the people in the world to encounter, Val is probably one of the better people to be there. She might be a half vampire, but he tolerates her. "Val." The word comes out almost like a statement. Yes, she's Val, yes, he remembers her. "I guess I should've known we would've run into each other eventually. If you haven't heard, they're rounding up the monsters." Not many people get his humor, considering how dry it is, and considering how he's always deadpan. The joke is there nonetheless.

Singer/Songwriter • Petite Diable • Single• 19 Years Old
Valerie Knight
"Even their own, it seems," She jokes back. The one thing these people always seemed to share was a sort of dark humour about the situation. "I was trying to visit my mum in Azkaban when they got me- Had no real choice but to just go along... I suppose it could be worse."
02:35, October 23, 2018 (UTC) Message Me!

Wolfie WB

Wolfie StoneSlytherin Alumnus • WereWolf • Father

「 Age 」
27 y/o
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
「 Relationship 」

20:40, October 26, 2018 (UTC)

Message MeAh right. He'd forgotten her mom was in azkaban, despite the old time press on it. He should've known though, considering he had been doing an investigation into Azkaban regarding the whereabouts of his own mom. "I turned myself in. I have to set an example, right?" His tone is level. "If you're lucky, they'll just throw us all into azkaban, then you'll get more time with your mom." He wouldn't be surprised if it happened.

Singer/Songwriter • Petite Diable • Single• 19 Years Old
Valerie Knight
Val shifts uncomfortably. "She's actually getting out," She notes under her breath. "So not much, even if we go to Azkaban." Val looks at Wolfie and half-smiles. "But hey! School is starting soon, and I'm the librarian at Hogwarts so.... I'll at least be able to go out more." Val shrugs. "But don't you think what he's doing is... wrong?"
20:47, October 26, 2018 (UTC) Message Me!

Wolfie WB

Wolfie StoneSlytherin Alumnus • WereWolf • Father

「 Age 」
27 y/o
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
「 Relationship 」

21:14, October 26, 2018 (UTC)

Message Me • He tilts his head, considering how to answer. He's neither a touchy feely kind of guy, nor is he the kind to just, open up. "Maybe. Yes." Thinking about his own mom's situation always made him feel passionate, but he feels a bit like the flames of his youth have dulled. Wolfie measures his words, not one to reveal himself so easily. "It's hard to care about things sometimes." A few years ago it would have mattered because it affected him, but now? He finds his reasons for living are few, and none include himself. "I guess I'm just glad to get a break from Takayama." He glances at Val. "And congratulations on the job. Make sure those slytherins don't ruin our legacy." He might have smiled.

Singer/Songwriter • Petite Diable • Single• 19 Years Old
Valerie Knight
She may have smiled back a little. "Not on my life," she notes. "I understand it being hard to care about stuff, really. I just hope you're doing what's best for everyone instead of just blindly following orders, you know?"
21:37, October 26, 2018 (UTC) Message Me!

Wolfie WB

Wolfie StoneSlytherin Alumnus • WereWolf • Father

「 Age 」
27 y/o
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
「 Relationship 」

05:25, October 29, 2018 (UTC)

Message Me • "We're all playing a cautious game in the ministry," he says carefully. "No one wants to leave because there's still a difference to be made but...if you don't keep your head down, you're out." The werewolf scratches at the stubble starting to grow out quicker than he'd like. "I'm sure any wrong move and he'll want me gone. My former boss seemed on board, but I don't know much about our new auror head." It doesn't bode well with him that she'd die from the inmates. Nothing seems to be going right in the world. It doesn't help that he witnessed her murder.

Singer/Songwriter • Petite Diable • Single• 19 Years Old
Valerie Knight
"The best way to fight back is to make sure still can and... You're doing a fair job. It's dangerous though. The ministry is dangerous and the fact that people are too scared to do anything... Means that we are losing. Nobody is doing anything but keeping our heads down. So who's actually going to stand up for us?"
07:34, October 29, 2018 (UTC) Message Me!

Wolfie WB

Wolfie StoneSlytherin Alumnus • WereWolf • Father

「 Age 」
27 y/o
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
「 Relationship 」

Message Me • "If history serves right, I don't think people will just do nothing. It's really dependent on the success of a rebellion." Not that he knows of one, nor that he'd be the one to start it. "At the very least, for now, we can soften the blow." Wolfie purses his lips. "Honestly, it might just be your job. Aren't you going to be librarian? It's always the youth that rise up."

Singer/Songwriter • Petite Diable • Single• 19 Years Old
Valerie Knight
She can't help but chuckle. "Are you suggesting I encourage the kids to rebel? You've met me right? The reason I became a librarian is because it's quiet and calm."
15:57, October 29, 2018 (UTC) Message Me!

Wolfie WB

Wolfie StoneSlytherin Alumnus • WereWolf • Father

「 Age 」
27 y/o
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
「 Relationship 」

02:03, October 31, 2018 (UTC)

Message Me • He raises a finger to his lip. "I said nothing." He glances around, then focuses his intense hazel eyes on her. "I hate people. Nonetheless, I'm leading these Patrol Officers." He shrugs. "Some things require...exhausting sacrifice." Extremely exhausting.

Singer/Songwriter • Petite Diable • Single• 19 Years Old
Valerie Knight
She smirks slightly. "You're a better leader than I am, is the difference."
03:24, October 31, 2018 (UTC) Message Me!

Wolfie WB

Wolfie StoneSlytherin Alumnus • WereWolf • Father

「 Age 」
27 y/o
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
「 Relationship 」

05:56, November 5, 2018 (UTC)

Message Me • "Am I?" Wolfie gets up, brushing off some dust from his pants, then turns to fully face her. "I think something I've managed to somehow learn is, leadership starts with will. You had will in quidditch, you have will now, so I don't see why you couldn't be better than me." The auror folds his arms. "Anyone can be a leader. Just takes will."

Singer/Songwriter • Petite Diable • Single• 19 Years Old
Valerie Knight
"Surprising advice," She admits. "Coming from an Auror I mean. And you, in general. You're a very... Stoic man, after all."
17:48, November 5, 2018 (UTC) Message Me!

Wolfie WB

Wolfie StoneSlytherin Alumnus • WereWolf • Father

「 Age 」
27 y/o
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
「 Relationship 」

03:37, November 14, 2018 (UTC)

Message Me • He raises an eyebrow. "I was a werewolf long before I was an auror. Even someone who doesn't care has to care a little. Who knows, maybe you'll be more successful than me. If you try."

Singer/Songwriter • Petite Diable • Single• 19 Years Old
Valerie Knight
She smirks. "I might try. But if I do, do me a favor. When we finally do rise up, choose who you are carefully. You're a good man, and I want you on our side."
21:45, November 18, 2018 (UTC) Message Me!
