Dumbledore's Army Role-Play Wiki
Dumbledore's Army Role-Play Wiki

Alright guys...I'm not going to bother to beat around the bush tonight, or be politically correct. I'm getting really tired of logging on to the wiki, and being bombarded with problems that have happened in chat. Obviously not everyone is involved, but enough different people are that it's getting to the point where it's ridiculous. ...and what's worse is that this is as much a problem with those in the admin team as it is with everyone else. So, we have a chat policy....it's located here for all those who haven't read it. In fact most people should probably go take a look even if you helped write it. The point is that lots of things are being said on chat that are inappropriate. People are getting upset, arguing about stupid stuff and hurting feelings. When people get mad they rant on chat, or worse they come on chat specifically to rant when they're mad in real life. I've had enough of it, and I know that the other Bcrats agree as they're the ones making sure I'm aware of all the problems going on (which I appreciate). So, this will be my last blog on the subject. I'm sick and tired of it. I've looked for options, and shockingly I didn't find any. I guess if we could force people to be nice to each other, I would have heard about it way before now.

So, last chance guys. Chat on any wikia is optional...and if we keep having problems I'll handle them...permanently. As much as I like chat, and think it's a great tool for talking, sharing ideas, and helps keeping our wiki running smoothly I will shut it down. We ran fine before it, and we can go back to that. I know that I'm writing this tired and frustrated....and hopefully that will show in what I write. I hate the fact that this has become such a huge issue, and I'm tired of dealing with it. So....if you would like to keep the chat up and running....please think before you post there. Don't rant and rave at anyone. Read and follow the rules. If you get upset or frustrated LEAVE! Don't keep egging people on, and don't keep arguing when it's just causing problems and you're never going to agree.

This next part if for the administration, Bcrats to RBs. You're on here to help out users. That's your function. If you don't like it, then step down. I hate to be so blunt, but I'm ashamed that I keep seeing chat logs where those on that team are being disrespectful, cursing, yelling, and otherwise hassling users. I know sometimes you get frustrated sometimes, but I'll say this again: YOUR JOB IS TO HELP AND MAKE LIVE EASIER FOR OTHERS! It's not about you. If your frustrated, then have a private chat with someone else on the admin team. Let them know your frustrated. Tell a Bcrat or Admin and let them handle it. Since they weren't involved in the situation, they'll have a better view to deal with it. Leave chat if you get angry to cool down a bit. We have just as big a stake in losing chat as everyone else, and right now we're just as much of the problem, and more since we're held to a higher standard since we have positions of leadership here.

So...check the rules, follow them, be respectful or we'll shut down chat. If that happens it will be shut down until the Bcrats decide to re-activate it. Technically any admin CAN do so...but if you choose to take that path and are caught, you'll be immediately demoted as you'e shown you can't handle the responsibility of being an admin. If a Bcrat does it without asking the others (including me), they'll be asked to step down, and if they refuse action will be taken to remove them. Hopefully this blog will show just how serious this problem has become and will let you guys know that we're serious. I love chat, and think it's an awesome tool which would be a shame to lose. Don't make me take it away...just be nice and follow the rules.

Feel free to comment below.
