Dumbledore's Army Role-Play Wiki
Dumbledore's Army Role-Play Wiki

Alright, so for those who haven't noticed (and I hope everyone has), we have had another Harry Potter Roleplaying wiki merge with ours. This means that we may have to make some compromises about positions of power, from Headmaster down to who's on the quidditch team, but overall this is quite an opportunity for us. We will grow by quite a bit (did you see our pages on this wiki doubled overnight?), have more editeors, and more importantly more characters to roleplay and do events with. We've gotten most of the issues sorted out, though I'm sure for the next week or two things will continue to come up, and need to be sorted out. If you have any thoughts on the merge, any ideas how to make it more smooth, or have noticed any issues that need to be resolved, either comment below, or post on the Admin Shoutout page.
